Minority Issues – SC, ST, Dalits, OBC, Reservations, etc.

Will local job quotas pass the legal test?    


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Constitutional background of Reservation

Why in the News? 

The Karnataka State Employment Bill, 2024, proposing private sector reservations for Kannadigas, is on hold after backlash from business and industry leaders.

What Does the Constitution Say?

  • Equality of Opportunity (Article 16):
    • Article 16(1): Guarantees equality of opportunity in public employment and prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, or residence.
    • Article 16(3): Allows Parliament to prescribe residence requirements for public office in a specific state or Union Territory, but this power does not extend to state legislatures.
  • Freedom of Movement and Residence (Article 19):
    • Article 19(1)(d): Ensures the freedom of movement throughout India.
    • Article 19(1)(e): Grants the right to reside and settle in any part of India.
    • Article 19(1)(g): Protects the right to practice any profession or carry on any occupation, trade, or business.
  • Legislative Powers (Article 35):
    • Article 35(a): Designates Parliament as the sole authority to make laws concerning residence requirements for employment or appointments to public offices, thereby restricting state legislatures from enacting such laws.

Why Is the constitutionality of the Karnataka State Employment of local candidates in the Industries, factories and Other Establishments Bill, 2024, being doubted?

  • Absence of Provision for Private Sector Reservation: The Constitution does not provide for reservation in the private sector, leading to concerns about the legality of such mandates at the state level.
  • Legislative limits on residential criteria: State Assemblies lack the power to prescribe residential criteria for private sector employment, as such powers are reserved for Parliament under Article 35(a).
  • Impact on Fundamental Rights:
    • The Bill may infringe on citizens’ rights under Article 19(1)(d) and (e), restricting their freedom of movement and right to reside or settle in different states.
    • The quota system might violate Article 19(1)(g), impinging on individuals’ freedom to pursue occupations of their choice.

What Is the Status of Similar Laws in Other States Such as Haryana?

  • Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020: Mandated 75% reservation in the private sector for jobs with salaries up to ₹30,000. This Act was struck down by the Punjab and Haryana High Court, and the matter is pending before the Supreme Court.
  • Andhra Pradesh Employment of Local Candidates in Industries/Factories Act, 2019: Proposed 75% reservation for local candidates and allowed a three-year period for training and engagement. This Act has faced legal challenges and has not been zealously implemented by the government.
  • Jharkhand Definition of Local Persons Bill: Initially faced resistance from the Governor over its constitutionality, especially regarding 100% reservation for locals in certain job categories. The bill was re-enacted in December 2023 despite concerns about its constitutionality.

Way forward: 

  • Inclusive Dialogue: The Karnataka government should engage in comprehensive consultations with all stakeholders, including industry representatives, legal experts, and civil society, to understand their concerns and suggestions.
  • Impact Analysis: Need to conduct a detailed socio-economic impact assessment of the proposed reservation policy can provide insights into its potential benefits and drawbacks.

Mains PYQ: 

Q The reservation of seats for women in the institutions of local self-government has had a limited impact on the patriarchal character of the Indian Political Process.” Comment. (2019)

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