Raman is a senior IPS officer and has recently been posted as D.G. of a state. Among the various issues and problems/challenges which needed his immediate attention, the issue relating to recruitment of unemployed youth by an unknown terrorist group, was a matter of grave concern. 

 It was noted that unemployment was relatively high in the state. The problem of unemployment amongst graduates and those with higher education was much more grave. Thus they were vulnerable and soft targets. 

 In the review meeting taken by him with senior officers of DIG Range and above, it came to light that a new terrorist group has emerged at the global level. It has launched a massive drive to recruit young unemployed people. Special focus was to pick young people from a particular community. The said organization seemed to have the clear objective of utilizing/using them for carrying out militant activities. It was also gathered that the said (new) group is desperately trying to spread its tentacles in his state. 

 A definite/reliable intelligence tip was received by the State CID and Cyber Cell that a large number of such unemployed youth have already been contacted by the terrorist outfit/group through social media and local communal organizations and other contacts. The need of the hour was to act swiftly and to check these elements/designs before they assume serious proportions. 

 Discrete inquiries made by the police, through the Cyber Cell, revealed that good numbers of unemployed youth are very active on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. On an average, many of them were spending 6-8 hours each day, using electronic devices/internet, etc. It also came to light that such unemployed youth were showing sympathy and endorsing the messages received from certain persons, allegedly the contact persons of that global terrorist group. Their social media accounts revealed their strong affinity to such groups in as much as many of them started forwarding anti-national tweets on their WhatsApp and Facebook, etc. It seemed that they succumbed to their ploy and started propagating secessionist ideology. Their posts were hyper-critical of the government’s initiatives, policies and subscribing to extreme beliefs and promoting extremism

  1. What are the options available to Raman to tackle the above situation? 
  2. What measures would you suggest for strengthening the existing set-up to ensure that such groups do not succeed in penetrating and vitiating the atmosphere in the state? 
  3. In the above scenario, what action plan would you advise for enhancing the intelligence gathering mechanism of the police force?

In a recent case, a WhatsApp group named ‘Ghazwa E Hind’ was created by a Pakistani national, targeting Indian youths for radicalization​. Similarly, 22 individuals from Kerala were found to have traveled to Afghanistan in 2016 to join ISIS. 

Guiding Principle – “सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं” (Satyameva Jayate Nanritam) Truth alone triumphs, not falsehood.

Options for Raman to Tackle the Situation:

  1. Take Strict Action Against Radicalized Youth:
  1. Raman can initiate legal action, including arrests and detentions, against those already showing signs of radicalization. This could involve invoking anti-terror laws like the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) to curb further escalation.
  2. Pros: Immediate containment of potential threats, sends a strong message to deter others.
  3. Cons: Risks alienating the community and pushing some youth further into extremism due to perceived government oppression.
  4. Consider It as a Social Problem and Focus on De-Radicalization:
  1. Raman could approach the issue from a social reform perspective, viewing radicalization as a result of unemployment and disenfranchisement. Initiating counseling programs, educational campaigns, and engagement with community leaders can help bring vulnerable youth back into mainstream society.
  2. Pros: Provides a long-term solution by addressing root causes of radicalization, fosters trust between law enforcement and the community.
  3. Cons: Slow to show results, potential criticism for being too lenient on those already involved in extremist activities.
  4. Madhyam Marga – A Middle Path:
  1. Raman can adopt a balanced approach that combines strict law enforcement with community engagement and employment programs. This includes strengthening surveillance mechanisms, taking legal action against hardcore offenders while simultaneously focusing on job creation and education initiatives to prevent others from falling prey to extremist ideologies.
  2. Pros: Balanced approach reduces immediate threats while addressing root causes, minimizes alienation of the community.
  3. Cons: Requires significant coordination between multiple government agencies and can be resource-intensive.

Measures to Strengthen the Existing Set-up:

  1. Enhancing Intelligence Networks: Raman can take inspiration from J&K Multi-Agency Intelligence Grid  that brings together the Intelligence Bureau (IB), state police, military intelligence, and other central agencies to track and prevent the spread of terrorism.
  2. Cyber Cell Expansion and Use of AI and big data analytics to monitor extremist content on social media, similar to hate speech detection algorithms used by Facebook and Twitter. Eg- Kerala Police’s Cyberdome initiative
  3. Youth Engagement and Employment Drives: Launching a skill development program like the Nai Udaan Scheme in Jammu and Kashmir that can provide job opportunities for vulnerable youth, addressing the root cause of radicalization.
  4. De-Radicalization Programs to provide counseling, psychological support, and education aimed at reintegrating the youth into society. Eg- Malaysia’s “Rukun Tetangga” (Community Development) de-radicalization program
  5. Strict Regulation of Communal Organizations: Ensure that local communal organizations are closely monitored, and if any show signs of involvement in radicalizing youth, initiate strict actions under relevant laws, such as the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). Eg- action against organizations like the Popular Front of India (PFI)
  6. Community Policing and Engagement to build trust and act as a bridge between law enforcement and citizens. Eg. Maharashtra Police’s Mohalla Committees.
  7. Preventive Legislation and Monitoring: Strengthen laws on terrorist financing and online radicalization, using tools like the National Security Act, ensuring social justice in enforcement.
  8. Public Awareness Campaigns: Initiate public awareness campaigns on the dangers of extremism, incorporating Gandhian values of Satyagraha and moral education.

Action Plan for Enhancing Intelligence Gathering Mechanism:

  1. Enhanced HUMINT Networks: Deploy undercover officers and increase human intelligence (HUMINT) efforts by recruiting local informers within vulnerable communities
  2. AI-based Predictive Policing: Implement AI tools to analyze social media and identify extremist activities early, following the successful use of predictive policing in the US and UK.
  3. Establish Intelligence Sharing Networks: Set up a dedicated Intelligence Fusion Center in the state that can bring together law enforcement agencies (state police, cyber units, anti-terrorism squads) and central agencies (like IB and NIA) to share real-time information and intelligence.
  4. Law Enforcement Training: regular intelligence training for local police officers to improve their ability to identify potential extremist activities in their jurisdiction. 
  5. Public Participation: anonymous public reporting systems like hotlines, apps, or online platforms where people can report suspicious online activity related to terrorist recruitment

“The greatest weapon against terrorism is not the gun, but the unity of communities and the strength of hope.”

By fostering unity and hope among young people, and by utilizing advanced intelligence mechanisms, the state can effectively counter the allure of extremist ideologies and create a safer environment for all its citizens.

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