A call for meaningful discussions on topics which have evolved over time

We have started a new initiative & tried to revive CD Discuss for the benefit of the community. The idea is to consolidate our learnings from the NEWS and mix them with static & dynamic portion of the syllabus to ask a few pertinent questions.

Have a look at these links –

1. https://www.civilsdaily.com/what-is-the-significance-of-rcep-for-india/

Scope of discussion
What is RCEP and how did it come into being? – Prelims & Mains
Why is RCEP Vital for India? – Mains & Interview
With TPP Advancing, India Pins Hopes On RCEP Trade Bloc

2. https://www.civilsdaily.com/indian-maritime-challenges-and-its-diplomatic-dimensions/

Scope of discussion
Maritime challenges & Our new Maritime Security Strategy
Geopolitical aspects of maritime challenges – Fodder for Mains & Essay
Indian maritime agencies – Fodder for Prelims
Diplomatic dimensions – Fodder for Prelims & Interview
Challenges ahead? Mains & Interview


You will find some very carefully chosen questions at the bottom of most of these writeups. If you have been writing answers all year long, it should be easy for you to recall and give crisp point wise comments. If you have not been practicing this answer writing – now is a good time to start and contribute.

PS: This initiative is on best effort basis and will be clamped down if we recieve less than viable participation. Just like what happened with daily Q&A a few months back. So please go ahead and spend some time in thinking through these questions

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily


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