Analysing the IAS Prelims 2016 | Current affairs heavy | Q1-10


This is a very quick analysis of the Paper 1 – IAS Prelims 2016 which just went by. A Civilsdaily user tipped us about the heavily current affairs inclined IAS Prelims this year and we couldn’t stop digging into the Civilsdaily archives.

We haven’t heard from most of you guys but we hope that if you kept up with daily newscards – you should have remembered context regarding most of these factual questions asked out from daily news.

NOTE: This is not a blog post on answer keys. We will wait for Dr. V or UW to come up with detailed solutions and analysis. This is only an analysis of current affairs questions.

#1. What’s Doctors without borders or Médecins Sans Frontières?

  • Context: Issue of pharma IPRs in ongoing Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations
  • Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has warned India that it will no more remain ‘the pharmacy of the developing world’ if the proposals in the pact are adopted
  • An international humanitarian-aid non-governmental organization (NGO) and Nobel Peace Prize laureate

Scroll down this story link:

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)

#2. The initiative called TEEB. What’s that?

No idea. It was briefly mentioned in a pib release but such singular events are very hard to focus on and remember –

#3. Red sanders in the news

We had extensively covered this theme under our #back2basic category.

To give you context into why red sanders were in news? This was the main card

#4. Proper design and effective implementation of UN-REDD+ program can do what?

The difference between REDD and REDD+ should have helped you answer this question. It is a pretty static one but still, explained here by Dr. V

UNFCC to Paris Via Kyoto

#5. Greenhouse Gas Protocol. What’s that?

I think we missed this one. But this is what it is –

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) provides accounting and reporting standards, sector guidance, calculation tools, and trainings for business and government. It establishes a comprehensive, global, standardized framework for measuring and managing emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains, products, cities, and policies.

#6. Financial Stability and Development Council. What’s that?

We discussed about this very briefly when we were writing on Annual Budget articles (with infographics)

The context for discussion was the creation of a Financial Data management centre which was est. under FSDC

Remember this?

Discussing Budget 2016-17 | Financial Sector Reforms

#7. Agenda 21. Sometimes seen in news?

This form a part of static syllabus. A quick reference primer was written here by Dr. V

Primer To Environmental Issues

The summit also resulted in 3 non-binding documents

  1. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
  2. Agenda 21 <21 is agenda for 21st century, UNCCD was the result of direct recommendation of Agenda 21>
  3. Forest Principles

#8. Satya Shodhak Samaj

History – Static syllabus

#9. Virus can infect what?

S&T – Static syllabus

#10. Base erosion and profit shifting is heard in news. What’s the context?

BEPS was in news for two things – Black money and Themes and Index published by organisations around the world. We had it covered in two different stories.


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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