Hello Everyone,
How are you doing?
So now that we are 10 Mini Mocks down and cruising towards the last lap of Full Length Tests (FLTs), I just thought of having a word with you. It was wonderful to see good participation by you and even more wonderful to watch you come up with different answer choices. It germinated points and counter-points and reinforced learning. Now I am sure all of you are clear about who can increase the number of judges in HC and most of you shall even remember the Article number Thank you for that!
One reason why did not wish to postpone this post till the end of FLTs was that now many of you might just lock yourself to the outside world including the web and might become sporadic or disinterested in reading any more posts till Prelims.
So here is the Antim Gyan:
#1. For past one year or more, you have put in good effort for CSE. Have faith in what you have done.
#2. Getting apprehensive as the Prelims approaches is normal and there is absolutely nothing to get tensed about.
#3. Do not get panic attacks thinking that still so many things need to be revised/tests taken/ new things to be read. Relax. Sab ho jayega if you just plan and do it.
#5. Read questions carefully, a sadist examiner might not want to highlight or italicise a not in “not correct”.
#6. And if you did not notice that I have made a mistake in serial number than read the above point ten times over again.
#7. You might be better off cutting off your chai-sutta (if you take them that is) engagement for some days now. They just eat away too much time.
#8. Don’t compromise on sleep and, this might sound a puerile suggestion, but take care of your diet.
And now a selfish touch to the post.
I tried to do whatever I could, with whatever resources and time I had, to try to help you in your preparation. And if I could make an iota of difference, I am happy because it means a lot to me. It drives me to work harder and to improve further. Some of you were exasperated with tough tests/questions, my sincere regrets for that. I never made a question tough on purpose but if I found a topic that should be covered for Prelims, I tried to use it in the mocks and in this attempt there might have been certain questions which inadvertently become tough. Whatever may have been your performance in Mocks, you shall certainly reap benefits on the D-Day if you have followed them.
We all make mistakes and I am no exception. Many a times a wrong option was highlight or I misinterpreted a statement and gave wrong answer choices. But depend on it, I never meant to misguide you. I welcome, rather appreciate criticism, but at one point it did went over me and I just could not refrain myself from commenting on it and I regret it.
Over a period it is natural that we interact more with people who comment or ask doubts regularly. And then when you are at the backend analysing results you do tend to look out for these names and check their answer sheet and sometimes exclaim, “arey yar isne ye question kaise galat kar diya” or sometimes “ye to PT phodega”. Happened quite a few times.
So that is all from my side for the time and my best wishes with each one of you. See you all at the final FLTs starting 11th July.
Unbounded Wisdom