Break for Daily AWE Program in the month of October

Daily Answer Writing Enhancement Program is taking a break for a month.

It is actually a break for all of you aspirants!! Taking breaks helps you stay focused over long periods of time. Breaks can help you retain information in memory (important for studying or writing answers etc.) Taking short breaks every now and then help you re-focus on your big-picture goals.

Therefore, we want you to work upon the strengths while improving upon the weakness in the given break. Revise your static portions of the syllabus of all GS papers so that when we reconvene in November, you are better prepared in your pursuit for your name in the final list of selected candidates on the UPSC website.

See you folks in November. Till then be Citius, Altius, Fortius!!

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5 years ago

Why was it not conveyed at the beginning of the month? I paid for the months of September and October. How is it going to pan out for me?
Also, evaluation has been pending since 10th September. What will happen to evaluation for the month of September?

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank you !

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5 years ago

I had paid for the AWE program for Oct and Nov. Does that mean I would be getting the questions for Nov and Dec? Just clarifying.
Thank you

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Ok. Thank you.

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5 years ago

I noticed that ‘break for a month’ pop up after i did the payment for october and november.
please let me know whether i would get refund or this will pass on to november and december?
Thank you

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5 years ago

kindly reply to this.


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