CD Advanced & Current Affairs Only Test Series for Prelims 2019

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The only TS that is supervised by top rankers and provides personalised attention to students. Check out the 7 points that make it the best in the market.

It goes without saying that Civilsdaily’s Test Series Program has created a name for itself. It is preferred among students in their advanced stages of preparation.

Here is what ABHILASH BARANWAL, AIR 44, CSE-2017 had to say about CD

Here is what  JITENDRA KUMAR SHARMA, AIR 392, CSE-2017 had to say –

This year, we have upgraded the program to make it the best offering in the market.

CD Advanced Test Series 2019

1. Two-tier quality check  – Our questions pass through a rigorous true stage assessment criteria. The first being done by CD’s core content team with the final approval from a coterie of rankers.

2. One comprehensive program – Our TS is a full-fledged course in itself! With a mix and match of various kinds of questions and detailed explanation wherever need. It is a very effective way of both, starting a subject and revising one.

3. Telegram Groups moderated by to Toppers.  Mentorship taken to a whole new level. You will be helped at every step of the way.

4. Introducing questions-types – Judging the quality of any TS is very subjective. While some will say its great, others will say its quality has decreased over time. That is why we have introduced the concept of question-types. They ensure consistency in quality. How? We have explained that in the end.

5. Dedicated monthly CA Tests – Exclusive focus on Current Affairs(CA) by having dedicated monthly CA tests. Besides, exhaustively preparing for CA questions, it has helped students precisely figure out what their weaknesses are.

6. Tikdams and mastering the art of intelligent guesses – Tikdam Technique is an innovation by Dr. V(AIR 20) and has helped students gain additional marks. Our TS is the only TS that puts a conscious effort to build student’s risk-taking appetite.

7. Subject and sub-subject Level Tagging – These tags will help you understand the importance of themes and revise other questions from them.

What are questions types 

Wherever applicable, we will try to stick to the format decided below. It standardizes questions to a decent extent.

A. Consolidation Questions These questions consolidate information from different topics to help you see concepts holistically and also aid retention. Eg. Consider this question. You would not have studied all the ‘Majorities’ together but under separate topics. This question will help you understand the concept in entirety.</a.>

Consider the following questions on the types of Majority 1. Special Majority of not less than 2/3 of the Members present and voting is required in the passage of a resolution under Art. 249 and Art. 312ONLY. 2. Impeachment of the President requires Not less than 2/3 of the Members present and voting along with Majority of the Total Strength of the House.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? a)1 b)2 c)Both d)None

Explanation – A very detailed account of the types of Majority is given here… Statement 1 is correct despite having ‘ONLY’ in it.

B. Comparative Questions Comparative questions help you understand the relative differences between related topics. Consider the question below. Instead of asking a question on HC or SC separately, we have clubbed it together.

Consider the following statements with respect to the appointment of judges of High Court & Supreme Court 1. The minimum qualifications prescribed in the Constitution is same for judges of HC & SC. 2. While SC judges are appointed by the President, HC judges are appointed by the SC. Which of the following is/are incorrect? a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) None

Explanation – 3 qualifications are common to both judges of HC and SC 1. Citizen of India 2. Judge of HC for 5 years 3. Advocate in HC for 10 years In case of judges of SC, there is an additional qualification – If he/she is a distinguished Jurist in the opinion of the President. Judges of HC are also appointed by the President. The controversy around appointments has been in news very frequently. Please read –…

C. Interactive Questions These questions will ask you to go through a concept/related concepts and reply back with comments. This will help you re-visit the entire concept rather than simply answer one specific aspect of the topic.

Eg., consider the following question – The conversion of Ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2-) and then to nitrates (NO3-) is called

a) Nitrification b) Ammonification c) Assimilation d) Denitrification Answer A

Explanation Nitrification In this process, the ammonia is converted into nitrate by the presence of bacteria in the soil. Ammonia is oxidized to form nitrites by bacteria such as Nitrosomonas species. Nitrates are converted into nitrates by Nitrobacter. This conversion is very important as ammonia gas is toxic for plants. Make a note of all the processes involved in the Nitrogen Cycle – nitrogen fixation, assimilation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification process. Leave their definitions/organisms involved in the comments.

D. Star-marked/special questions These are advanced questions that are not from standard sources but relevant for the exam. These questions will help you build additional knowledge without going through specialized books. Eg. Questions on books by freedom-fighters, News not covered by the Hindu, IE, PIB but of very high importance in world affairs.

Besides these, questions indirectly related to CA will also be asked. 

Do I need to join a TS for prelims at all?

Despite UPSC being unpredictable, Prelims TS is the only program that can help you assess how your preparation is. Besides few questions that are directly asked from TS, it helps in developing a good understanding of how to prepare/what to prepare/what to prioritize and so on

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