CD’s Prelims TS1 | 5 most discussed questions with solutions

Spoiler #1: If you have joined the CD’s Flagship Test Series and have not attempted the TS1 yet, please go ahead and do so before you read this post. Click here to login and attempt your test.

Spoiler #2: For those appearing for IAS 2017 and planning to join the CD’s Prelims TS later, these are some of the most discussed questions from the first TS. They will give you a feel of how we test our students’ core concepts and give them detailed explanations.

5 Questions with Explanations/ Tikdams/ Mentor notes

#1. Consider the following statements with regard to the Indian Constitution:

1. The Indian Constitution does not make ethnic identity a criterion for citizenship.

2. The Fundamental Rights can be violated by government when it is necessary.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a 1 only

b 2 only

c Both 1 and 2

d Neither 1 nor 2

Suggestion: It is an inclusive question. Hence Option 2 is incorrect. Extract from NCERT – “The Fundamental Rights are so important that the Constitution itself ensures that they are not violated by the government. It can be abridged away but cannot be violated”

#2. Consider the following:

1. Constitution completely forbids employment of children below the age of 14 years in all sectors.

2. Freedom to assemble peaceably is considered as a core hallmark of democracy.

Which of the following is/are correct?

a 1 only

b 2 only

c Both 1 and 2

d Neither 1 nor 2

Suggestion: NCERT extract: “The Constitution forbids employment of children below the age of 14 years in dangerous/ unsafe to life and health jobs like factories and mines. With child labor being made illegal and right to education becoming a fundamental right for children, this right against exploitation has become more meaningful.”

It specifically says that it forbids dangerous jobs as mentioned above. Children employable as domestic help etc. is not completely forbidden.

#3. Consider the following about division of powers between center & state:

1. Economic and financial powers are centralized in the hands of the central government by the Constitution.

2. Dispute about division of power between union & state can be resolved by the Judiciary.

Which of the following is/are incorrect?

a 1 only

b 2 only

c Both 1 and 2

d Neither 1 nor 2

Suggestion: NCERT extract : “Any dispute with respect to power between union and state can be resolved by the judiciary on the basis of constitutional provisions. “

It says since, Judiciary is the only authority that can resolve the disputes between states and centre, hence it can do so. The add on is that judiciary can do anything on the basis of constitutional provisions.

#4. Consider the following statements:

1. The Armed Forces Special Powers Act has been made on the basis Articles 43 and 44 of Constitution.

2. The Constitution clearly states that executive powers of the center are superior to the executive powers of the States.

Which of the following is/are correct?

a 1 only

b 2 only

c Both 1 and 2

d Neither 1 nor 2

Suggestion: Constitution states this that center government powers are superior to states. It is understood in the: 

(a) manifestation of subjects mentioned in Union List as well as 

(b) laws made by parliament prevailing over state laws in case of conflict

(c) Subject on Concurrent List laws made by the centre and state, centre law will prevail in case of conflict.  

#5. On 22 January 1947, Objectives Resolution was unanimously adopted. Consider the following statements about its components:

1. India is an independent, sovereign, secular & republic nation.

2. Territories forming the Union shall be autonomous units and they will exercise all powers and functions of the government and administration.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a 1 only

b 2 only

c Both 1 and 2

d Neither 1 nor 2

Suggestion: Most candidates have marked the answer as d on the basis of what they practically happening. But be careful as to question is talking about the Objectives Resolution and not what territories actual functioning. Hence Statement 2 is correct.

PS: For detailed explanations + tikdams, you will have to download the pdf on the test portal. The access is restricted to the Flagship Test Students. Link to the test portal – Click here

If you attempted the TS1 and applied some tikdams from your end, feel free to discuss those questions here. Let the community learn from your hacks!


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