Challenge! Complete RS Sharma And WIN A BOOK For FREE! Crack Prelims In THIS Attempt With Amoghvarsha Sir | 8:00 pm | Link inside

IAS Prelims syllabus completion on Chat with Amoghavarsha sir. Join the challenge and crack Prelims. Session starts at 8:00 pm

Dear Aspirants,

It’s the final stages for Prelims and it’s time to step up your game! And if you step up your game you not only WIN a book for free, you also WIN at Prelims! A complete win-win situation with nothing to lose!

So, just join in (for FREE) and complete the entire RS Sharmama before your Prelims!

  1. Complete chapter-wise revision
  2. Aanccie History complete coverage
  3. Complete concept revised
  4. MCQs gamified
  5. Revise, score, and WIN a book.

All of this and more for absolutely FREE!

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