[Fresh Release] Civilsdaily Android App: Now in Hindi

Hello everyone,

We have been working to get the best news reading experience for you. The working principle at Civilsdaily has been to get the most relevant news summaries and connect them with its historic detail.

Sometime back, we released the hindi module on our website. Hope you have read the blog release and are actively using the hindi tab (Click to know how)

And now, we are releasing the HINDI newscards on the Civilsdaily App. Without further ado, update your app – (Click here to do so)


To make sure that the aspirants of hindi medium are on equal footing we have built the database of news from February 2016 onwards. So go ahead and read the news – bookmark the important ones and revise them offline!

CLICK to get/ update your Civilsdaily App today



We sincerely hope that our efforts brings renewed push in your preparations. Never before has news from the HINDU, Indian Express so meticulously translated and monitored for the aspirants of civil services exam (IAS/ UPSC). You will feel the difference in your current affairs awareness as you read through!

PLEASE spread the word and share this post AND mail these developments to your aspirants’ group. Take a few minutes show your appreciation towards Team Civilsdaily

  1. Rate our app on the Google Playstore – Click here to do so
  2. Like our Facebook page – Civilsdaily @Facebook
  3. Drop a feedback at Quora on how Civilsdaily has helped you in your prep – Click here


For all the serious aspirants who wish to revise and brush up on the newscards of the months gone by – do buy our monthly magazine here at this link.

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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