UPSC 2021 Free Mock Interview [LAST 2 SLOTS] || Unlimited Practice Sessions with India’s Most Experienced & Eminent IAS Interview Panel|| Limited Slots Available, Register Now

After beating lakhs of aspirants to be among the top two thousand UPSC candidiates, you might think the final round would be a breezer and requires no prior preparation. For someone who has prepared current affairs intensively for a year, they feel that they can answer the questions in the interview rounds impromptu.

However, let’s not forget that though the amount of competition decreases substantially in the interview round so much that you have 50% chances of clearing it, the quality of competition increases. You are set up against those aspirants whose average score in Mains is between 900-1000 marks. Most of the candidates fall in this marks bracket. The only way you can create a difference, is by performing exceeding well in the interview.

To understand how seriously Civilsdaily conducts its UPSC mock interviews, watch this video.

Why Mock Interviews Are a Better Way to Practice Than By Yourself or With Your Friends?

Rahul Reddy AIR 218, 2020 tries his best to answer international crisis issues in a diplamtic way

So, how can you practice for Interview round before you attend it? Does it have to be with friends or in front of the mirror? Remember, the most effective option is the one where you are simulating an actual UPSC interview enviornment. .

Casual DAF-II filling can cost you a UPSC attempt and thus, you must start your preparation with DAF II curation. The aspirants who have cleared UPSC Mains 2021 can register for our interview support program without any fee (FREE).

The purpose of mock interviews is to refine your approach, attitude and aptitude to excel in UPSC’s personality test. Mock interviews must support your quest at excelling in the final interview. You must be ready to tackle unexpected questions with your knowledge. You must have a solid opinion backed by data and facts for any issue.

That’s why Civilsdaily has brought the free mock interview initiative for all Mains-Qualified aspirants. You can practice as many times you would like before you are perfect. If you want to analyse your performance, we will share the video for your reference.

Here Are the Distinguished Panellists of Civilsdaily Mock Interview 2022

AIR 268 Nitish Rajora answers questions on Indian Economy with ease

One of the major advantages of attending the free mock interviews of Civilsdaily is that you will gain exposure to some of the finest bureaucrats retired as well as working, subject matter experts, psychoanalysts and faculty members. Our panellists have direct experience in recruitment and personality analysis.

1. Mr. Shankar Agarwal (Chairman)– Retired IAS Officer, 1980 Batch, Uttar Pradesh Cadre. Last held position: Joint Secretary for the Government of India.

2. Dr. SD Singh – Retired IFoS Officer, 1984 Batch, Uttarkhand Cadre

3. Mr. Virendra Pratap Singh – Serving IRPS Officer of 2008 Batch, IIT Kharagpur Alumni

4. Dr. Kulbir Singh – Retired Indian Postal Service Officer, 1981 Batch

5. Mr. Amin Usta – Professor at Jamia Milia Islamia University.

6. Mr. Noor Mohammed – Electoral Management Expert at Democracy and Election Management (IIIDEM)

What Will You Learn From the Eminent Panellists?

AIR 17 Sarthak Agrawal answers questions on the three farm laws

1. Understand interviewer’s psychology.

2. Improve your answering style and body language.

3. Current Affairs update by experts.

4. Boost your social quotient and emotional quotient.

5. A video recorded session for critical self-assessment.

6. Personal discussion with experts after UPSC Interview Guidance Programme for a critical assessment of his/her performance.

7. Scientific evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the candidate by experts.

8. Individual DAF analysis and summary of UPSC interview questions.

9. Overall balanced feedback by experts on how one can ace the questions asked in UPSC Interview.

For more details, Contact Pravin, Mentor Head of Civilsdaily.

Phone Number: 8668582260

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