Civils Digest: 1 Year Magazines 2024
Around 35000+ students subscribed to our previous combo and benefitted from our news analysis.
Encouraged by your love and trust, this time we are offering these magazines with a targeted focus on Prelims and Mains.
Civils Digest combo comprises of:
- News summaries compilation from The Hindu, The Indian Express, PIB, etc.
- Editorial summaries compilation from The Hindu, The Indian Express, Livemint, The Economic Times, etc.
- Prelims Daily Questions + Explanations inspired by our summarised news
Why Civils Digest?
All news and editorial summaries from six major newspapers (The Hindu, The Indian Express, Livemint, The Economic Times, etc.) and websites (Government ministries, PIB, PRS, IDSA, etc.) to ensure full coverage of current affairs.
Doing away with jargons, complicated language and biases, Civils Digest provides information in a simplified manner. It is vital for a quick and long-lasting understanding of topics.
Analysis and interlinkages
Every topic in the Civils Digest provides deep and insightful analysis required for a thorough understanding of related dimensions. How a particular topic influences and is interlinked with other topics is explored and presented in Civils Digest.
Readability and design
Our design team has performed an exceptional task in designing magazines. Topics flow in a lucid manner, with enhanced readability, pleasant colour scheme, it provides a great learning experience.
There are more than 35000 subscribers for Civils Digest. When it comes to Current Affairs UPSC toppers trust us as their primary source.
Subscribing to this combo will go a long way in ensuring that we continue our content curation initiatives with as much zeal and dedication as you go daily for your UPSC Prep.
What toppers have to say about us?

I already purchased it before ..can I get some discount
Ask sajal sir
I can’t access current affairs for 2024.i hv paid money before 1 month. Plz give me access
I hv paid in August 2023 money for current affairs monthly magazine but still I can’t access it. Plz sir respond .
How to read magazines
How to download
It’s in very small font ,how to download it?
Please upload Prelims Daily March 2024 pdf asap
please upload the oped of feb and march 2024
april magazines?
is there no Schemes and SC judgments doc for December 2023 ?