Daily AWE Schedule

Answer Writing Enhancement Schedule for the Month of December

In order to enhance the writing skills we have also planned to cover the entire syllabus in the process. The question will be asked based on the current trends of UPSC i.e. the question will be the blend of basics as well as current affairs.

Paper – I

Subjects Covered: Indian Society i.e. salient features, diversity in India, role of women’s organizations, poverty and development issues, population and associated issues, urbanization and its problems and remedies, effects of globalization on Indian Society, social empowerment, communalism, secularism, regionalism etc.

World History i.e. Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, Nationalism in Europe, Colonialism and Imperialism, Emergence of USA, WW-I, Russian Revolution, After war years (1919-1939), WW-II, Development in Middle East, Cold War, Post Cold War World etc.

Geography (Physical and General) i.e. Salient features of world’s physical geography (Geomorphology, Oceanography, climatology), distribution of key natural resources across world (including south Asia and Indian Sub-continent), Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India), Important geophysical phenomena, geographical features and their location and Changes in critical geographical features etc.

Post Independence Consolidation i.e. Reorganizations of states, Linguistic Regionalism in India, Tribal issue and policy consolidation, issue of women and evolution of women movement, problem of caste and social consolidation, communalism and social consolidation, issues of linguistic minorities, Overview of economic development since independence, Agriculture, Industry, New Economic policy, Post Independence Policy of Science and Technology etc.

Indian Culture i.e. Paleolithic art, Art and Culture during Indus Valley civilization, Religion and Indian Philosophy, Architecture and sculpture since Mauryan Age, Indian paintings, Classical forms of Dance, Folk dance forms, Classical music, Musical Instruments, Drama/theatre, Puppet forms of India, Indian pottery, Indian literature, Government institutions related to art and culture, Culture and social change etc.

Modern Indian History i.e. British Conquest of India, British Administration, Early Resistance to British Rule, Nationalism in India, Indian Freedom struggle under Gandhi, Social Reforms in British India, Struggle by Masses and Partition of India etc.

Paper – II

Subjects Covered: Indian Polity and Constitution and its various features, Governance (i.e. policies formulation, implementation, government interventions, development process, agencies and citizens’ welfare.), International Relations (more in the context of recent developments)

Paper – III

Subjects Covered: Agriculture and related issues (i.e. Role of agriculture in economy, land resource/reforms, finance, subsidies, marketing, Agri-revolutions, food-processing, etc.),

Indian Economy (i.e. issues relating to planning, resource mobilization, inclusive growth, industrial policies and development, infrastructure (energy, ports, roads, airports, railways etc. and investment models))

Science & Technology: Institutional structure, policies after independence, nanotechnology, IT, Space, Electronics, Defence, Energy, Biotechnology, Nuclear Tech, Telecommunication and their applications and effects in everyday life, Achievements of Indians in S&T etc.

Environment: Biodiversity, water and related issues, environment and urbanization, mining and environment, agriculture and environment, renewable energy, EIA, Concept of sustainable development, recent conventions and summits and contemporary issues etc.

Internal Security: Linkages of development and spread of extremisms, Role of external state and non state actors in creating challenge to internal security, challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites, Basics of Cyber Security, Money Laundering and prevention, security challenges in border areas/linkages of organized crime with terrorism and various security forces and agencies and their mandates.

Paper – IV

Subjects Covered: Ethics Integrity and Aptitude: Ethics and human interface, Human values, Aptitude and foundational values of Civil Services, Attitude, Emotional Intelligence, Values and ethics in Public Administration, Ethics in International Relations, Corporate Governance and corporate social responsibility, Probity in Governance, Leaders/Reformers and Administrators’ contributions of thinkers (Indian and World Leaders), Applied Ethics and CASE STUDIES related to the issues of above topics (most probably on contemporary issues).

NOTE: Apart from the above details of syllabus the questions will also be from contemporary issues since January 2018 in order to cover the important and relevant topics of current times.



Schedule for the Second, Third and Fourth Week of December:

SL No. Date Topic:

Paper 1 and 4 (i.e. question 1 and 4 will cover the following topics)


Current Affairs:

Paper 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. question no 1, 2 and 3 will cover the following topics)


1 10th December 2018 Topics:

·         British Conquest of India and British Administration (till 1857).

·         Ethics and its Dimensions: Relation with laws and human values. (contemporary analysis)



·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 5th of December 2018)

2 11th December 2018 Topics:

·         Culture: Mughal Architecture and contemporary impacts

·         Ethics: Human Values: Consequences of human action and behaviour.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 6th of December 2018)

3 12th December 2018 Topics:

·         Society: Issues related to women and women organization.

·         Ethics: Philosophers and Thinkers: (Indian)


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 7th of December 2018)

4 13th December 2018 Topics:

·         Geographical Features of Earth: Basic understanding about earth.

·         Philosophers and Thinkers: (Foreign)



·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 8th of December 2018)

5 14th December 2018 Topics:

·         World History: Global impact on Indian History writings.

Case Studies on the Ethics:

·         Most probably on current issues.



·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 9th of December 2018)

6 15th December 2018 Topics:

·         Issues related to women empowerment and political representation.

Case Studies on the Ethics:

·         Most probably on current issues.




·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 10th of December 2018)

7 17th December 2018 Topics:

·         Geomorphology: Forces affecting the landforms, Earth’s crust and land slides.

·         Attitude, Aptitude and foundational values of Civil Services: Work Culture.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 12th of December 2018)

8 18th December 2018 Topics:

·         Modern Indian History: French Conquest to India and related issues.

·         Values and ethics in Public Administration: Ethical Governance.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 13th of December 2018)

9 19th December 2018 Topics:

·         Indian Nationalism and Unity and related issues in contemporary context.

·         Philosophers and Thinkers: (Foreign)


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 14th of December 2018)

10 20th December 2018 Topics:

·         Art and Culture: Mauryan Empire

·         Philosophers and Thinkers: (Foreign)


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 15th of December 2018)

11 21st December 2018 Topics:

·         Indian Society: Changing Nature of Caste in Modern India.

Case Studies on the Ethics:

·         Most probably on current issues.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 16th of December 2018)

12 22nd December 2018 Topics:

·         World History: Imperialist conquest of Asia and Africa.

Case Studies on the Ethics:

·         Most probably on current issues.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 17th of December 2018)

13 24th December 2018 Topics:

·         Disaster Management and India’s preparedness.

·         Values and ethics in Public Administration.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 19th of December 2018)

14 26th December 2018 Topics:

·         Indian River Systems and issues associated with it in contemporary context.

·         Ethics and Human Values, Human Interface and Foundational Values.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 21st of December 2018)

15 27th December 2018 Topics:

·         Social Issues: Education Sector Reforms in India and related current phenomena.

·         Philosophers and Thinkers: (Foreign)


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 22nd of December 2018)

16 28th December 2018 Topics:

·         Earth Quake, Tsunami, and related geomorphologic phenomena. Causes and features of Tsunami.

·         Philosophers and Thinkers: (Foreign)


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 23rd of December 2018)

17 29th December 2018 Topics:

·         Sex Ratio in India and various schemes dedicated for the same.

Case Studies on the Ethics:

·         Most probably on current issues.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 24th of December 2018)

18 31st December 2018 Topics:

·         Atmospheric Phenomena: Ozone, layers and associated issues. Surface Ozone.

Case Studies on the Ethics:

·         Most probably on current issues.


·         CivilsDaily Current Affairs Monthly Magazine for the month of June.

·         Past five days op-ed (i.e. since 25th of December 2018)

NOTE: The changes made in topics will be intimated in advance.

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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6 years ago

Thank you sir


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