[Day 10] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016

GS I  ( Population and Associated Issues – Hattrick)

India was ranked 108 out of 145 countries in 2015’s Gender Gap Index by World Economic Forum. Our neighbours have fared better than us. Discuss and suggest possible ways to reduce this gender gap.

GS Paper II (Governance- Analytical) (Simplex)

“Kashmir unrest should be engaged into a dialogue with all stakeholders within the ambit of Insaniyat, Kashmiriyat and Jumhuriyat.” 

Examine the above statement in the light of Government’s possible actions.

GS Paper III (Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organised crime with terrorism – Static + Dynamic) (Duplex)

Reservation in the private sector would bring down naxalism in the country. Do we need reservation in private sector? Critically examine.

GS IV (Moral & Values – Analytical + Dynamic) (Duplex)

Some people believe that a constitution merely consists of laws. Laws are one thing but values and morality quite another. What do you think? Elaborate your opinion.

  • – All questions on this series are available for revision at – Target Mains
  • – The DNA (Demand and Approach) Framework for each question is updated at the end of day
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