[Day 34 | GS2] Target Mains: Answers

GS II (Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests)

Nepal’s signing of transit and other agreements with China has been regarded by some in India as a significant loss of India’s influence in NepalDiscuss why India’s relationship with Nepal is important.  What are the challenges in recent times & solutions to its relationships?

Best answer

Badal Yadav wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 5/10. The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of Day 34 only involves those given on Day 34, later answers may not have been checked)

India and Nepal shared a good relationship since both the countries signed a treaty of PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP and treaty of TRADE and COMMERCE in 1950.
Indian policy towards Nepal is determined by the following considerations: (i) the geopolitics of Nepal makes it a landlocked country sandwiched between India and China. Access to Nepal is easier from the Indian side; (ii) historically, both countries have shared a common security perception; (iii) there exists a great deal of cultural affinity between the two countries; Nepal is not only the birth place of Gautam Buddha but is also the only Hindu kingdom in the world.
with the recent incidents of Madeshi protest against Nepal’s new constitution and india also showing its concerns about it, india is lossing its position in NEPAL.
the main concerns associated with these starangles in relations are :-
1) India is losing trust among Nepalese public. The Maoists in Nepal are using this as an opportunity to carry out anti-India propaganda.
2) In absence of Indian exports from India especially in the fuel and oil, Nepal is threatening to look forward to many other options like resorting to Road trade with China, This may ultimately hit long term India- Nepal trade.
3) The India- Nepal tension may accelerate into deadlock in SAARC, and may disrupt the fulfillment of trade, political interests and regional integration.
4) The political vacuum provided by India in Nepal may ultimately be filled by China, and this may further strengthen the resolve of the Maoist party and the other upper caste parties of Nepal, which are supported by China.
5) Also Nepal’s constitution has got a tacit consent of certain countries which find its standards acceptable. If India resorts to tough measures it may end up inviting international criticism.
Thus India should try to follow its principle of non-interference in the internal matters of a country and try to resolve the disputes amicable. India is known as a soft power and should retain its reputation. It should not lose trust among the public and international media due to its “Big Brother diplomacy”. Rather it should put its point forward with reasons, keeping International opinion in its favor and use its soft power and track II diplomacy to reach a solution.

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