[Day 6] Target Mains: Skill Enhancement Prog. IAS Mains 2016

GS I (Analytical)

Women can not be kept down to level of tourism or women and child development in central & state ministries. Examine the statement


Question’s demand is women’s role in society as equals.


  • – Low participation of women in government ministries
  • – Explain the reason behind the same.
  • – Suggest ways of increasing the participation of women in ministries.

Read more:


GS Paper II (Governance – Hattrick)

The appointment of judges to the High Courts and Supreme Court seems to be intensifying. Critically examine the collegiums system and wayout to end the impasse.


Explain the positives/ negatives of Collegium System. Why it is controversial and provide possible solutions for the same.


  • – Describe collegiums system in brief
  • – Suggest the possible ways out.

Read more:

Key Points on NJAC that you need to remember

Judicial Appointments Conundrum Pre-NJAC Verdict

GS Paper III (Indian Economy and Issues arising from it – Analytical) (Simplex)

India’s per capita calorie demand has been falling for at least the last 30 years. Discuss its impact.


Write the reason, pros & cons of this issue


  • – Explain the reasons briefly with changing lifestyle & income patterns.
  • – Write impact on agriculture, trade, farmers & other factors if need be.

GS Paper IV (Ethical Values – Dynamic + Analytical ) (Duplex)

Is it right to take the caste based meeting & gathering ahead of election polls by political parties? Examine the statement with changing pattern of election propaganda for convincing voters in particular region.


Moral values of political parties involved in convincing the voter.


  • – Explain changing pattern of convincing the voters
  • – The castes based targeting to impress voters
  • – Explain the ethical standards a politician needs to uphold
  • – Aftermath of the same.


  1. Simplex – Static/Dynamic/Analytical
  2. Duplex – (Static + Dynamic)  / (Dynamic + Analytical) / (Static + Analytical)
  3. Hattrick – Static + Dynamic + Analytical
  • All questions on this series are available for revision at – Target Mains
  • The DNA (Demand and Approach) Framework for each question is updated at the end of day
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