e-governance: Models, Successes and Opportunities

Recognizing that e-Governance is playing an increasingly important role in modern governance, various agencies of the Government and civil society organizations have taken a large number of initiatives across the country.

Key models implemented in the country 

  • Customs and Excise (Government of India)
    1. 98% of export and 90-95% of import documentation computerized.
    2. Electronic filing through ICEGATE.
    3. Service Tax returns electronically processed
  • Indian Railways (Government of India)
    1. Anywhere to Anywhere reservation from Anywhere.
    2. Electronic Booking of tickets.
    3. Online Information of Railway reservation on Internet.
  • Postal Department (Government of India)
    1. Direct e-credit of Monthly Income Scheme returns into the investors accounts
    2. Dematerialization of Savings Certificate (NSC) and Vikas Patras (KVP), offering full portability
  • Passport / Visa (Government of India)
    1. 100% passport information computerized.
    2. All 33 Regional Passport Offices covered.
    3. Machine readable passports available.
  • AP Online (State Government of Andhra Pradesh)

An Integrated Citizen Services Portal providing citizen centric services such as: Birth/Death Certificates, Property Registration, Driver’s License, Govt. Applications & Forms, Payment of taxes / utility bills etc.

  • Bhoomi – Automation of Land Records (State Government of Karnataka)

Bhoomi (meaning land) is the project of on-line delivery and management of land records. It provides computerized Record of Rights Tenancy & Crops (RTC) – needed by farmer to obtain bank loans, settle land disputes etc. It has also ensured increased transparency and reliability, significant reduction in corruption, exploitation and oppression of farmers. This project has benefited more than 20 million rural land records covering 6.7 million farmers.

  • CARD – Registration Project (State Government of Andhra Pradesh)

Computer Aided Administration of Registration Department (CARD) impacting more than 10 million citizens. The system ensures transparency in valuation of property and efficient document management system. The estimated saving of 70 million man-hours of citizen time valued at US$ 35 mil (investment in CARD – US$ 6million). Similar initiatives in other states like SARITA (State Government of Maharashtra), STAR (State Government of Tamil Nadu), etc. have further built upon this initiative.

  • Gyandoot: Intranet in Tribal District of Dhar (State Government of Madhya Pradesh)

This project offers e-governance services including online registration of applications, rural e-mail facility, village auction site etc. It also provides services such as Information on Mandi (farm products market) rates, On-line public grievance redressal, caste & income certificates and Rural Market (Gaon ka Bazaar).

  • LOKMITRA (State Government of Himachal Pradesh)

Offers e-governance services:

  1. Online registration of applications,
  2. Rural e-mail facility, village auction site etc.
  3. Information on Mandi (farm products market) rates
  4. On-line public grievance redressal
  5. Sending and receiving information regarding land records, income certificates, caste certificates and other official documents.
  6. Market rates of vegetables, fruits and other items
  • e-Mitra – Integrated Citizen Services Center/ e-Kiosks (State Government of Rajasthan)
  1. Implemented using a PPP (Public Private Partnership) model
  2. Private partner paid by the government department / agency
  3. G2C services like:
  4. Payment of electricity, water, telephone bills
  5. Payment of taxes
  6. Ticket Reservations
  7. Filing of Passport applications
  8. Registration of birth/death
  9. Payment by cash/cheque/ credit card

The above-mentioned models of e-Governance are only illustrative. 

Many of the State Governments have successfully implemented several such initiatives. This has positively impacted the quality of life of citizens.

Hence e-Governance affords an excellent opportunity for India to radically improve the quality of governance and thereby:

  1. Allow for two-way communication between government and citizens not only for service delivery but also to receive opinions of citizens on policies and government performance
  2. Provide greater access to excluded groups, who have few opportunities to interact with government and benefit from its services and schemes
  3. Include all sections of the society in the mainstream of development
  4. Enabling rural and traditionally marginalized segments of the population to gain fast and convenient access to services in their own neighbourhoods.
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