[E&B Bodies #5] Central Water Commission

  • Central Water Commission is a premier Technical Organization of India in the field of Water Resources
  • It is presently functioning as an attached office of the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India

Mission Statement:

To promote integrated and sustainable development and management of India’s Water Resources by using state-of-art technology and competency and coordinating all stake holders.


  • CWC is headed by a Chairman, with the status of Ex-Officio Secretary to the Government of India
  • The work of the Commission is divided among 3 wings:
  1. Designs and Research (D&R) Wing
  2. River Management (RM) Wing
  3. Water Planning and Projects (WP&P) Wing
  • A separate Human Resources Management Unit headed by a Chief Engineer, deals with Human Resources Management or Development, Financial Management, Training and Administrative matters of the CWC
  • National Water Academy, Pune is responsible for training of Central and State in-service engineers and it functions directly under the guidance of Chairman


  • The Commission is entrusted with the general responsibilities of initiating, coordinating and furthering schemes for control, conservation and utilization of water resources throughout the country
  • It is done in consultation of the State Governments concerned & for purpose of Flood Control, Irrigation, Navigation, Drinking Water Supply and Water Power Development
  • It also undertakes the investigations, construction and execution of any such schemes as required
  • The Commission, if so required, can undertake the construction and execution of any such scheme


  • To carry out Techno-economic appraisal of Irrigation, flood control & multipurpose projects proposed by the State Governments
  • To collect, compile, publish and analyze the hydrological and hydrological data relating to major rivers in the country, consisting of rainfall, runoff and temperature, etc. and to act as the central bureau of information in respect of these matters
  • To collect, maintain and publish statistical data relating to water resources and its utilization including quality of water throughout India and to act as the central bureau of information relating to water resources
  • To provide flood forecasting services to all major flood prone inter-state river basins of India through a network of 175 flood forecasting stations
  • Monitoring of selected major and medium irrigation projects, to ensure the achievement of physical and financial targets. Monitoring of projects under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP), and Command Development (CAD) programme has also been included in its field of activities
  • To advise the Government of India and the concerned State Governments basin-wise development of water resources
  • To undertake necessary surveys and investigations as and when so required prepare designs and schemes for the development of river valleys in respect of power generation, irrigation by gravity flow or lift, flood management and erosion control, anti-water logging measures, drainage and drinking water supply
  • To undertake construction work of any river valley development scheme on behalf of the Government of India or State Government concerned
  • To advise and assist, when so required, the State Governments (Commissions, Corporations or Boards that are set up) in the investigation, surve1 preparation of river valley and power development schemes for particular and regions
  • To advise the Government of India in respect of Water Resources Development regarding rights and disputes between different States which affect any i for the conservation and utilization and any matter that may be referred Commission in connection with river valley development
  • To impart training to in-service engineers from Central and State Organizations in various aspects of water resource development
  • To initiate studies on socio-agro-economic and ecological aspects of irrigation projects for the sustained development of irrigation
  • To conduct and coordinate research on the various aspects of river development schemes such as flood management, irrigation, navigation, power development, etc., and the connected structural and design features
  • To promote modern data collection techniques such as remote sensing technology for water resources development, flood forecasting and development of related computer software
  • To conduct studies on dam safety aspects for the existing dams and stand related instrumentation for dam safety measures
  • To carry out morphological studies to assess river behavior, bank erosion/coastal erosion problems and advise the Central and State Governments on all such matters
  • To promote and create mass awareness regarding the progress and achievements made by the country in the water resources development, use and conservation

Published with inputs from Swapnil
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