What to expect on 11th September? A Sneakpeek into CD’s Prelims Paper

For the aspirants of IAS 2017, who have registered for our Flagship Prelims Course, here’s a sneak-peek of what to expect.

And now, for the sneak-peak into the actual test. We are releasing a few questions and explanations in this blog to let you know what a beginner should expect to excel in the TS – 

  1. Bear in mind that since UPSC has changed its gears towards more current affairs centric paper, we want you to focus on only a few select books to master the Static portion. But for those select few books, we are very, very serious about mastering them.
  2. All of the questions will be inferred from the prescribed books only – Test will have a balanced ensemble of easy, medium, difficult question and you should be scoring high on the first 6 basic tests to join the leagues of advanced players after that.

Sample Questions + Explanations


Q#1. Consider the following

  1. There shall be no religious instruction in the government educational institutions.
  2. In educational institutions managed by private bodies no person shall be compelled to take part in any religious instruction or to attend any religious worship


Which of the following is/are incorrect?

  • a) Only 1
  • b) Only 2
  • c) Both 1 & 2
  • d) Neither 1 & 2

Ans (d)


-There shall be no religious instruction in the government educational institutions. In educational institutions managed by private bodies no person shall be compelled to take part in any religious instruction or to attend any religious worship.

[Source: Chapter 6, Page 106 –Democratic Politics Part 1 Class IX]

Titbits – Religious instruction in the govt or private institute is prohibited


Q#2. Consider the following on as per the Constitution of India

  1. Fundamental rights are absolute rights for citizens of India
  2. Reservation will not be seen as a violation of right to equality.

Which of the following is/are correct?

  • a) 1 only
  • b) 2 only
  • c) Both 1 and 2
  • d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans (b)


  • – Fundamental rights are not absolute or unlimited rights
  • – In fact Article 16(4) of the constitution explicitly clarifies that a policy like reservation will not be seen as a violation of right to equality

[Source: Chapter 2, Page 33 – Indian Constitution At Work Class XI]

Tikdam- No rights are unlimited so eliminate that first. Reservation and rights are different so second is true.

Q#3. Consider the following

  1. In a SC reserved constituency only someone who belongs to the Scheduled tribe can stand for election.
  2. One-fourth of the seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates.

Which of the following is/are correct?

  • a) Only 1
  • b) Only 2
  • c) Both 1 & 2
  • d) Neither 1 & 2

Ans (d)


  • One-third of the seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates.
  • – In a SC reserved constituency only someone who belongs to the Scheduled caste can stand for election

[Source: Chapter 4, Page 63 –Democratic Politics Part 1 Class IX]
Tikdam- 33% is standard reservation for women. Always remember that. In SC constituency SC cam contest

So, there you go. You will face such questions and more. The Explanations will in turn act as a revision for you and we assure you that once you are through these tests, you would have mastered the Art of Prelims.

If you have joined in, prepare well and we look forward to see you on the 11th September. If you haven’t already – register and join us for CD Flagship Prelims Course.

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