First timers to IAS Prep? Prepare Indian Agriculture for GS Mains with me!

I will maintain a link list of all post written under this theme, here – 

#1. Indian Agriculture 101 – What’s NPF, PMKSY, CCEA and CACP?

#2. Indian Agriculture 102 – India’s Green Revolution and National Food Security Mission

#3. Indian Agriculture 103 – What is Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) and is it any good?

#4. Indian Agriculture 104 – Everything that you need to know about Drought Management in India

#5. Irrigation In India: Issues & Developments – Read the backgrounder on Neeranchal Watershed Project

#6. 8 Types of Farming in India


Indian Agriculture, as we all would agree is a topic that haunts us all (second only to Environment & Biodiversity). Here is an attempt to understand the economics, policy making etc. of this very, very important sub-segment of Indian Economics for GS Mains.

I find that most of the newbies have no idea about how to cover this portion which involves – schemes by ministries, economics around it, op-eds and cross examinations of success and failures.

I will be using a standard source – The Annual Report of Ministry of Agriculture [Pdf here].

There is absolutely no need to go for Indian Economy reference books or wait for that big fat India Year Book to come out to understand Indian Agriculture. In fact, Dr. V strongly advices against using the IYB!

The Ministry’s report is an amazing piece of art! I won’t be covering it linearly but would be touching upon the IAS Pre and Mains aspects of the syllabus to extract maximum juice for all of us. We will discuss things like difference between CECA and CACP, reason behind new crop insurance schemes and will cover things in tidbits format for an easy recall.

PS: All Blogs are accessible from Web and App

PPS: Please do leave your comments on the blog. Participate in the questions which are posed between the lines and let me know if you liked what you read.


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