[Update] Flagship Students – Get ready for the History Test on 1st

[Update]: Please take the weekend to go through OLD History NCERTs for the TS4. We have the test prepared but we are shifting the test date by 2 days so that you can be on the same page/ level of preparation.

  • TS4 will now be held on 3rd October | 9:30 AM | Link for Testing Platform
  • Old NCERTs have been included since they have optimum coverage for Ancient, Medieval and Modern India
  • Download them from the website’s NCERTs tab

Flagship students,

You have gone through 2 Basic Tests & 1 CA Focus Tests. Here are some quick takeaways:

  1. The Basic tests (TS1 & TS2) were aimed at ensuring that your NCERTs readings are spot on There can be no substitute for a thorough reading of these basic books and your target score should be 120+
  2. The CA Focus Test was attempted by all old and new aspirants – it is a little early to comment on the scores but everything above 110 is acceptable. If you haven’t achieved that score, please read the explanations properly and discuss your silly mistakes/ issues with information retention on this thread (click here)

What to expect from the upcoming Basic-Indian History Test on 1st October?

  • TS4 would be made LIVE on the CD’s Test Portal @prelims.civilsdaily.com at 9:30 AM on 1st October
  • If you haven’t joined any of the module yet, do consider joining. Don’t take prelims for granted!
  • There is a general tendency among sincere students who are regular with their newspapers and classes to take prelims for granted. Its not completely their fault
  • Many toppers say prelims are not an issue for sincere students. There are many institutes that claim students have cracked prelims by studying only during the last 2 months and exhaustively doing many questions

All this is was probably true couple of years back when the pattern was different and engineers had undue advantage because of the CSAT. Now that’s not the case.

Here’s how the next history test has been set up. Expect it a bit on the difficult side

Q.19) Consider the following statements regarding “Swaraj Party”.

1. C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru were the leaders of Swaraj Party.

2. Swarajist wanted the constructive programme to be coupled with a political programme of council entry.

3. Special Congress session in 1923 held at Delhi allowed Swarajists to contest the elections.

Which of the above statements are correct?

a)       1 and 2 only

b)       2 and 3 only

c)       1 and 3 only

d)      1, 2 and 3

Ans (d)


-All 1, 2 and 3 are correct.

[Source: Chapter 2, Modern India Old NCERT Class XII]

Q.3) Consider the following Statements about Vijay Nagara Architecture.

1. The high entrance gateway called Reya Gopuram is the characteristic feature of vijayanagara temple.

2. Sittanavasal Paintings was developed during the reign of Vijay Nagara rulers.

 Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below:

a) Only 1

b) Only 2

c) 1 and 2

d) None of the above

 Answer: (a)


Statement 1 is correct.

– Sittanavasal Painting was developed during the reign of Pandyan rulers. Thus Statement 2 is incorrect.

[Source: Chapter 5 and 6 Fine Arts NCERT Class XI] – this one is new

Q.17) Consider the following about Mathura school of sculpture:


  1. Mathura School of Art flourished mainly during the reign of Shungas.
  2. The material used in this school was the spotted red sandstone.
  3. The Mathura school images include those of Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Vishnu, Shiva, Yakshas, Yakshinis, Jinas etc. 
  4. Reclining Buddha is an famous sculpture of this school.

 Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below:

a)      1,3 and 4

b)      2 and 3

c)      1 and 4

d)     1,2 and 3


Answer: (b)


Statement 2 and 3 are correct

– Mathura School of Art flourished mainly during the reign of Kushan ruler Kanishka thus statement 1 is incorrect.

– A statue of a reclining Buddha is carved on the wall of the ancient Buddhist rock temple in Ajanta Caves and not in Mathura school. Thus statement 4 is incorrect.

[Source: Chapter 4 NCERT Fine arts Class XI] – new ncert

For those attempting the test, make sure you have gone through OLD and NEW NCERTs well. OLD NCERTs are usually favoured for the Modern India History part (this is the one which Bipan Chandra wrote) as it aptly covers the basic of our freedom struggle.

For Culture – NEW NCERTs work well. Mostly these are 11th and 12th standard books

For Medieval and Ancient India – It’s best that you cover from OLD NCERTs

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