Gear up for This week’s Samachar Manthan lecture on 14th April Sunday

Why Samachar Manthan?

We understand that the UPSC exam is a generalist exam. It’s more important to cover more issues than to cover one issue in more depth. Hence, through Samachar Manthan we are trying to maintain a fine balance of covering many important news items and having a detailed discussion on selected topics which require the same. On daily basis a news gets repeated multiple times. Scattered knowledge is not adequately useful when you have to write a 200 words answer within 6-7 minutes. To handle this, Samachar manthan covers such issues in a comprehensive and consolidated manner which is the smart strategy.

Benefits of Samachar Manthan

  • Packed 3 – 3.5 hours Weekly videos will focus on news and its importance from both prelims and mains perspective.
  • This program will also help you understand how to utilize current affairs in all your prelims and mains papers.
  • This ideology makes this course the best utilization of your time.
  • Detailed coverage would mean analysis from all the angles like background or history, features, significance, challenges and way forward. Also multiple sources like epw, diplomat magazine etc will be referred in the video lectures.
  • Such approach will help in writing multidimensional answers.
  • Also which part of the topic is important from mains and prelims perspective will also be discussed.
  • Audio Visual Learning is more impactful than simply glancing through material. So that you are able to retain information for long also interlink with any new information you get.
  • 4 stage structure of Video->Notes->testing->review to perfect your preparation
  • The sequence of video->Notes->testing->review is the best way to ensure maximum retention and a rock solid preparation. Each component of the program has been meticulously crafted.

For example this week, we will be covering following issues;


Livestock Census

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SEBI mulls SRO for investment advisers

GI tag for Kandhamal and Erode Turmeric

RBI circular to banks on loan defaulters quashed

[op-ed snap]How to achieve 24×7 power for all

Ways and Means Advances

[op-ed snap]Serious setback

National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF)

RBI cuts Repo Rate

Ambitions Beyond Growth Report 2019

Asian Development Outlook 2019

Enviro & Biodiversity

Sudden release of water from dams worsened Kerala floods

State of Global Air Report, 2019

Global Cooling Coalition


[pib] Community Radio Stations and SWEEP

[op-ed snap]The principle and procedure in Lokpal

[pib] NuGen Mobility Summit 2019

[op-ed snap] Turf issues in fighting corruption

[pib] Solidarity Human Chain

EAT-Lancet Report for a sustainable food system

[pib] Technical Analysis of FAME II Scheme

International Relations

International Solar Alliance

Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT)

[op-ed snap] Deepening insecurity

[pib] Indian Advance Pricing Agreement


Issue of Supreme court benches in different states

[op-ed snap ] Making democracy meaningful

Explained: J&K govt blocking of a highway

[op-ed snap]Privacy in the age of sunshine laws

Science Tech & Art Culture

[op-ed snap] Outer clarity

Stephen Hawking’s hypothesis on black holes discarded


Security Issues

AFSPA partially withdrawn from Arunachal Pradesh

And these issues will be covered in detail

  • Power Issues
  • Corruption
  • CCIT
  • Privacy Laws
  • Democracy
  • FAME 2
  • Advanced Pricing Agreement

So to be thorough in your preparation and to have an integrated approach, join Samachar Manthan here.


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