Get ready For Upcoming Current Affairs Prelims Test Covering June on 25th July *You Get The Additional Coverage Of The Month Of May As Well In This Test!!!*

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The importance of Current Affairs in CSE examinations is immense. This is the most critical part of CSE Prelims as well as CSE Mains Exam. Aspirants should study in-depth to understand the significance of current affairs for UPSC. In fact, around 1/3rd questions in CSE exams are drafted around current affairs.

Sometimes, UPSC usually does not ask direct and static questions from current affairs in Prelims Examination. Questions are focused on combining current affairs with conventional knowledge. One interesting reason behind this type of strategy is to check the ability of correlation a candidate has.

Success in UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains Exam is mainly subjected to how well an aspirant is aware of the important current affairs. Preparation of current affairs for UPSC is the key to unlock the exam. It requires practice and revision in a well-connected manner. Team Civilsdaily helps you conquer this frontier with its Prime Test Series.

There are certain ways for current affairs preparation in order to become the master of this field. Here are some of the important tips described for reference.

  • Read the newspaper – This is the most effective and traditional way to prepare current affairs for UPSC Civil Services Examinations. Aspirants need to be updated with the trending topics happening across the globe. Reading a newspaper on a daily basis fills your mind with facts and viewpoints and this will improve your skills to write essay papers in exams. But if you are a working aspirant or staying in a place where availability of the hard copy of reading resources is not available, then also do not worry. You should refer to CIVILSDAILY WEBSITE for daily current affairs which are curated keeping active learning, resourceful preparation and the demand of UPSC Civil Services Preparation, in mind.
  • Check Time Allocation: You must read only the relevant news articles thoroughly. However, while doing so, make sure you are not spending more than an hour reading newspapers. You should finish reading daily current affairs within 90 minutes. Freshers may take a bit longer in the beginning. However, make sure you limit the time to one and a half hour per day during the weekdays. During the weekend, make sure you revise your notes at least once! And then, at the end of the month, go through the monthly compilation of Civilsdaily for a quick revision.
  • Organize your preparation – From the first day of current affairs preparation, start making short notes and divide the notes topic-wise in small modules. One can prepare either handwritten notes or opt for the digital format. These notes will help you to channelize your study on different topics. The curation of daily news at CIVILSDAILY is done keeping these sub-topics in mind and we have more than 200 stories to link the current affairs with demands of UPSC. You can check one example here.
  • Join Prime Test Series The best part with current affairs questions asked in UPSC exams is that they can be solved without wasting time. One can score maximum marks in less time in this section of the exam. Current affairs preparation for UPSC Civil Services Examination keeps the aspirant updated and helps in having a balanced view about different issues.

Our Prime Prelims Test Series which shall enrich you to acquaint yourself with the pattern of CSE-2021, assess your abilities, rectify your mistakes and make you confident to appear on the examination day.

Our Prime Prelims Test Series follows the same approach as that adopted by UPSC. Our team of experts is quite enriched with the UPSC pattern and focal point of the questions and hence creates more chances for the aspirants to crack civil service examination by appearing our Test Series.

This is the time where many of you must have started UPSC CSP preparation with all the josh. Thus, what better exercise would you need than the Current Affair Mock Test. This is the 1st among the many current affairs Tests covering the whole month and we have curated it as per the trend of previous 5 years of UPSC CSP.  You see, since 2015, this has been the general weightage of various subjects in UPSC CSP:

Subjects Question Distribution in the year 2019 Question Distribution in the year 2018 Question Distribution in the year 2017 Question Distribution in the year 2016 Question Distribution in the year 2015
Current Affair

(Including IR)

22 28 34 27 29
Economics 14 16 8 8 13
History, Modern India, Indian National Movements, Art and Culture 17 15 14   15 14
Geography 14 8 7   7 14
Polity 15 13 22   7 13
Science & Technology 7 7   4   8 7
Environment 11 13   11   18 10

Hence, almost 33% of the questions in Civil Services Prelims were related to Current Affairs section.

The key philosophy of our prelims TS is Evidence-based question making: The 3600 questions you face in our mocks have their relevance established in UPSC’s trend analysis. We focus on themes that are important as per UPSC so that we maximize your chances of questions overlap with the actual UPSC Prelims.

Noone but only you can assess how it will help you in being the top percentile of aspirants. You have to practice ruthlessly and civils Daily provides you with a platform to hone your skills.

Click here to enrol for the Prime Prelims TS

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