Get ready for upcoming Polity Test on 6th July- sample questions highlighting our methodology

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Dear students,

31st May 2020 is the D-day for all civil service aspirants.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. “

This Quote by Abraham Lincoln clearly sums up how one should prepare for that day. So before entering the battlefield alone should have enough practice. Our Prime Prelims Test series which shall enrich you to acquaint yourself with the pattern of CSE-2020, assess your abilities, rectify your mistakes and make you confident to appear on the examination day.

Our Prime Prelims Test Series follows the same approach as that adopted by UPSC. Our team of experts is quite enriched with the UPSC pattern and focal point of the questions and hence creates more chances for the aspirants to crack civil service examination by appearing our Test Series.

Nothing speaks more than the facts itself rather than a mere jargon. Here is a list of 5 sample questions from the upcoming test which will help you in identifying the standards and approach we follow. (you can skip this if you want to attempt these directly in the test). 

Noone but only you can assess how it will help you in the being the top percentile of aspirants. You have to practice ruthlessly and civils Daily provides you with a platform to hone your skills.

Q1. Which of the following have been provided under the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act 1996?

1. Reservation of seats for the Scheduled Tribes must not be less than one third of the total number of seats.

2. The Gram Sabha can constitute Standing Committees in order to fulfil its responsibilities.

3. The Tenure of such committee is fixed under the Act. Select the correct answer using code given below.

A. 1 only

B.1 and 2 only

C. 2 only

D.1, 2 and 3

Answer – C


Salient Provisions of PESA Act In the Schedule areas, every village will have a Gram Sabha consisting of persons whose names are included in the electoral rolls for the Panchayats at the village level. In the schedule areas, there will be a minimum of 50% seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes (STs) at all the tiers of Panchayats. Hence Statement 1 is incorrect.

If the area has different tribal communities, the reservation of different tribal communities, the reservation of different tribal communities shall be on the basis of proportion to their population. The chairpersons at all levels of the Panchayats in Schedule areas shall be reserved for STs. If there are no ST members at intermediate or district level Panchayats, the state government shall nominate such underrepresented STs by maximum of one-tenth of the total elected members of the Panchayats. Every legislation on the Panchayats in scheduled area shall be in conformity with the customary law, social and religious practices and traditional management practice of the community resources. The Gram Sabha may constitute Standing Committees viz. Peace Committee, Justice Committee, Resource Planning and Management Committee, Intoxication Control Committee, Debt Control Committee, Market Committee, Sabha Kosh Committee and others as deemed appropriate by the Gram Sabha in order to fulfil its responsibilities regarding various aspects of the working of the village, whose members shall be elected in an open meeting of the Gram Sabha among members of the Gram Sabha. Hence, Statement 2 is correct.

Besides, temporary and ad-hoc committees may be constituted as per requirement. The tenure of all the Standing Committees will be of one or two years as decided by the Gram Sabha. Hecne Statement 3 is incorrect.

Q2.With reference to functions and powers of a District judge, consider the following statements:

1. He possesses original and appellate jurisdiction in both civil as well as criminal matters.

2. He has supervisory powers over all subordinate courts in the district.

3. Capital punishment passed by him is subject to confirmation by the High Court, whether there is an appeal or not.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?

A.1 only

B.1 and 2 only

C. 2 and 3 only

D.1, 2 and 3

Answer – D


Statement 1 is correct. The district judge is the highest judicial authority in the district. He possesses original and appellate jurisdiction in both civil as well as criminal matters. In other words, the district judge is also the sessions judge. Statement 2 is correct. The district judge exercises both judicial and administrative powers. He also has supervisory powers over all the subordinate courts in the district. Statement 3 is correct. The sessions judge has the power to impose any sentence including life imprisonment and capital punishment (death sentence). However, a capital punishment passed by him is subject to confirmation by the High Court, whether there is an appeal or not.

Q3. In the context of local governance, principle of subsidiarity stipulates that:

1. functions shall be carried out closest to citizens at the smallest unit of governance possible.

2. functions shall be delegated upwards only when the local unit cannot perform the task. Select the correct answer using the code given below.

A.1 only

B.2 only

C.Both 1 and 2

D.Neither 1 nor 2

Answer – C


‘The principle of subsidiarity stipulates that: 1. functions shall be carried out closest to citizens at the smallest unit of governance possible and 2. delegated upwards only when the local unit cannot perform the task. Hence, both statements are correct.

The citizen delegates those functions he cannot perform, to the community. Functions that the community cannot discharge are passed on to the local governments in the smallest tiers, and so on, from smaller tiers to larger tiers, from local government to the State Governments, and from the States to the Union. Hence, the citizen and the community are the centres of governance. In place of traditional hierarchies, there will be ever-enlarging concentric circles of government and delegation is outward depending on necessity.

Advantages – First, local decision-making improves efficiency, promotes self-reliance at the local level, encourages competition and nurtures innovation. Second, democracy is based on three fundamental assumptions: all citizens are equal irrespective of station and birth; the citizen is the ultimate sovereign; and the citizen has the capacity to decide what is in his best interest. Only when these principles are put in practice can a democratic system derive its full legitimacy. Subsidiarity is the concrete expression of these foundations of a democratic society. Third, once decision-making and its consequences are integrally linked at the local level, people can better appreciate that hard choices need to be made. Such awareness promotes greater responsibility, enlightened citizenship and maturing of democracy

Q4.  Which of the following is/are the correct statements about Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat?

1. Gram Sabha consists of all the people living in the area of a Gram Panchayat.

2. Gram Sabha also consider the taxation proposals and auditing report of the Gram Panchayat.

3. Gram Panchayat is composed of such number of members as may be decided in accordance with the size of the Population. Select the correct answer using the codes given below

A.1 only

B.1 and 3 only

C.2 and 3 only

D.1, 2 and 3

Answer -C


It is a three-tier structure, which consists of Zila Parishad at the district level, Panchayat Samiti at the block level and Gram Panchayats at the village level. The Gram Panchayat is further subdivided into Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat and Nyaya Panchayat. Difference Between Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat Gram Sabha is used to mean a general assembly of all the people of a village, who have attained the age of 18 years and their name is entered in the voter list. The executive committee of the Gram Sabha is known as Gram Panchayat which consists of the representatives elected by the Sabha. Hence, Statement 1 is incorrect.

Gram Sabha also consider the taxation proposals and auditing report of the Gram Panchayat. Hence, Statement 2 is correct.

Gram Panchayat is composed of such number of members may be decided in accordance with the size of the Population. Hence, Statement 3 is correct.

Gram Sabha Vs Gram Panchayat Meaning Gram Sabha refers to the legislative body, that operates at village level, and takes into account the annual budget and audit reports of the Gram Panchayat. Gram Panchayat is the lower tier of the Panchayati Raj functioning at the village level for welfare and development of the village. Body It is a permanent body. It is a temporary body. Member Every person whose name is registered in the voter list of the respective village. Ward members, Panches and Sarpanch are its members. Election The members of the Sabha are not elected ones. Members of the Panchayat are elected by the members of Sabha directly. Meetings Two meetings in a year are compulsory. One meeting in a month should be held.

Q5.  Which of the following are appointed by the President by a warrant under his hand and seal?

1. CAG

2. Election Commissioner of India

3. Chairman, UPSC

4. Chairman, Finance Commission

Which of the statement given above is/are correct?


A.1 only

B.1 and 2 only

C.1,2 and 3 only

D.1,2,3 and 4

Answer – A



Only Statement 1 is correct. It is one of the constitutional office which is appointed by the Prsident by a warrant under his hand and seal. It is also the only office mentioned in 2nd schedule. Others include Central Vigilance Commissioners, Governor, Chairperson and vice chairperson of National Commission for SCs, Judges Of Supreme Court and High court are appointed under Hand and seal of President. Warrant: authority, seal: emblem and hand: here, in person.

The CAG is appointed by the President of India under Article 148 of the Indian Constitution with a warrant under her hand and seal. This implies that the appointment of CAG will be authorized by the President himself and his seal will be the testimony of it. In other ‘normal’ appointments like all India services, he takes the decision but doesn’t physically sign. It is his secretary who certifies on behalf of the President.

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