Global warming and climate change are the outcomes of human greed in the name of development, indicating the direction in which extinction of organisms including human beings is heading towards loss of life on Earth. How do you put an end to this to protect life and bring equilibrium between the society and the environment?

“The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” – Gandhi

Human Greed in the Name of Development Threatening Life:

  • Uncontrolled Resource Exploitation: Large-scale deforestation, mining, and extraction for industrial purposes. Eg. Amazon rainforest has lost 17% of its area.
  • Rising Carbon Emissions: IPCC reports that global temperatures have risen by 1.2°C since the pre-industrial era, causing more frequent and severe natural disasters.
  • Loss of Biodiversity: WWF estimates a 60% decline in wildlife populations since 1970, primarily due to habitat loss and pollution.
  • Social Inequality in Environmental Impact: According to UNEP, vulnerable communities face the greatest risk from rising sea levels, heatwaves, and food shortages.
  • Violation of Environmental Ethics: violation of the principles of non-maleficence and deep ecology. 
  • Unsustainable Urbanization: Rapid urban expansion consumes land, leading to overcrowded cities with poor living conditions.
  • Future Generations at Risk: Short-term economic gains undermine long-term environmental sustainability, leaving future generations to bear the consequences.
Biodiversity Loss (IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)The average abundance of native species in most major land-based habitats has fallen by at least 20% since 1900. At least 680 vertebrate species and more than 9% of all domesticated breeds of mammals had become extinct by 2016more than 41,000 animals worldwide are threatened with extinction, including 41% of all amphibians, almost 33% of reef-forming corals, 27% of the world’s mammals, more than a third of all marine mammals, and 13% of all known bird species. (IUCN)

Measures to Protect Life and Restore Equilibrium:

  1. Government – Deontology (Duty Ethics)
  1. Policy Implementation: laws like carbon taxes and incentives for renewable energy. Eg: Sweden’s carbon tax.
  2. Infrastructure Investment: Prioritize building green infrastructure, such as public transportation systems. Eg: bike-friendly infrastructure in Netherlands.
  3. Strengthening Environmental Regulations: Stronger enforcement of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
  4. Ecocentrism: Prioritizing ecosystem health over individual resource use. Eg: Norway’s protection of the Lofoten islands from oil exploration preserves marine ecosystems critical to biodiversity, despite potential economic gains from drilling.
  5. People (Virtue Ethics)
  1. Adopt Sustainable Lifestyles: by using renewable energy, recycling, and limiting resource consumption to ensure Intergenerational Equity.
  2. Community-Based Conservation: Engaging local communities in conservation efforts, like the Chipko Movement in India, Great Green Wall in Africa
  3. Businesses 
  1. Sustainable Practices by investing in clean technologies and adopting circular economy practices. Eg: IKEA has committed to using only renewable and recycled materials by 2030.
  2. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Eg: Patagonia donates a percentage of profits to environmental causes and focuses on sustainable production.
  3. Global Community 
  1. International Agreements: Eg: Over 190 nations committed to limiting global warming to below 2°C at the 2015 Paris Climate Summit.
  2. Technology and Resource Sharing: Eg: The Green Climate Fund assists developing countries in climate adaptation and mitigation efforts.

Securing a nature-positive world by 2030 must be our guiding star in order to maintain equilibrium between the humanity and the environment

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