CivilsDaily IAS with its innovative approach has been redefining and restructuring IAS exam preparation. With following, we’re making the preparation effective and simpler for aspirants.
- Personalized one-on-one guidance and student-centric approach
- Experienced faculty and mentors
- High quality and comprehensive lectures covering full UPSC prelims and mains syllabus
- Habitat – our chat based learning platform
- UPSC pattern based test series and evaluation
- Affordable programs
With 70+ selection in 2019, CivilsDaily has emerged as the best online coaching institute for IAS 2021 exam preparation.
Civilsdaily has been recommended by IAS toppers like Anudeep Durishetty (AIR 1), Anu Kumari (AIR 2), Abhishek Saraf (AIR 8, UPSC 2019), and many more.
Fill the form to register for your one-on-one mentorship session with senior mentors from CivilsDaily. We’ll call you within 24 hours to discuss all your preparation and strategy related doubts.