Preparing for UPSC Current Affairs? Do without Reading Newspapers | Register FREE for Recorded Session | Get Samachar Manthan’s current week’s module for FREE
Aspirants, UPSC is changing. So why should your preparation not change or evolve?
No more it’s about covering the syllabus, doing current affairs, and attempting tests. Instead, the sole focus is on bringing efficiency, and productivity to your preparation.

Toppers have been going against conventional UPSC prep wisdom and have been rendering it obsolete. One such maxim has been – READING NEWSPAPERS DAILY.
UPSC 2023-24 calls for a NEWSPAPERLESS Current Affairs Preparation
Aspirants follow this blindly and as a result spend hours reading The Hindu, Indian Express, etc. on a daily basis, feeling miserably lost, frustrated, unfulfilled, and guilty of wasting time.
It also compromises with their GS static and optional preparation.
Moreover, many aspirants don’t even know how to actually cover current affairs. They just live for the high they get after finishing the newspaper, which is a short-lived joy.
Diksha ma’am, senior IAS Faculty will take up a LIVE session to help you tackle this changing paradigm of UPSC Current Affairs Prep
Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with Newspaper Reading for current affairs and join us for this exciting session. Diksha Sharma’s expert guidance will help you save time, reduce stress, and prepare more efficiently for the exam.
The more you think, the more it daunts. let your best foot forward.
Register now for free and take the first step towards success in UPSC!
Points that were discussed in the Recorded Session
- What is the basic funda to cover Current Affairs for UPSC without reading Newspapers?
- How to maintain practical steps such as “What”, “Why”, “How”, “Who”, “When”, and “Where”?
- If not Newspapers, What are the best sources to prepare Current Affairs?
- How to take out case studies, anecdotes, examples, and facts for mains answers and essays?
- Passive Techniques to cover current affairs holistically for Prelims, Mains, and Interviews?
- What the are best alternative supplement sources like Yojana, Kurukshetra, etc, and make notes from them.
- How to focus on these:
- Socio-economic issues like Women’s issues, Education or Health related issues, Issues or policies affecting vulnerable sections, etc.
- Issues of national and international importance.
- Political issues related to Indian Constitution, Legislative and Administrative processes.
- Supreme Court or High Court verdicts.
- Good analysis of current issues.
- Parliamentary Debates.
- Government policies and orders.
- How to pick important news topics for UPSC. How to Update all notes, etc after reading repeating News.
Those who understand the exam syllabus and pattern well, have less anxiety but a beginner (due to less understanding of the syllabus and pattern) wastes enough time (Minimum 4 Hrs/Day reading Newspapers.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your NEWSPAPERLESS current affairs preparation.
What The Hindu mentioned about Civilsdaily Mentorship