How to read the Economic Survey – Part 2

economic survey


Having already discussed how to best read volume one of economic survey,  I shall now discuss, what to focus on and what to leave in the volume two of this amazing document.

Those who haven’t read part one, don’t move ahead without reading part one – How to read the Economic Survey

At the very outset let me tell you that volume two is not that interesting and is full of facts and figures and not much of analysis. Hence only selective reading is recommended.

There are nine chapters in volume two which basically cover happenings in the economy during last one year with some forward guidance. Chapters are pretty longish with most of them crossing 20 pages (only 9-13 pages in volume one).

Chapter one gives broad overview of the economy and glimpses of what to expect from the subsequent chapters. After that there are chapters on fiscal policy, monetary policy, external sector, agriculture, economy and services, climate change and human development. As I have already mentioned, there’s not much of analysis and most of the chapters make for very boring reading and not much important for examination.

There’s only one chapter which I would recommend you to read line to line, for every word is a virtual gold mine and that chapter is chapter eight, climate change and sustainable development. Please note down important points and try to understand the analysis of double counting of aid as climate finance, why CDM market is down and various issues associated with green finance.

What else to study?

  1. As mentioned in the part one, boxes are important. But in this volume many boxes are rubbish. I am highlighting not to be missed boxes, rest you can skim through. Box 1.1, 2,3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1(very imp), 4.2, 4.3 (very very imp), 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 (very imp), 6.4 (imp), 6.5, 6.6, 7.1 (read), 7.2 (only first part related to medical tourism),
  2.  Following selected portions are recommended for line to line reading
  • Pathways to productivity in agriculture in chapter five from 5.26 to 5.61,
  • Tourism including medical tourism in chapter seven from 7.25 to 7.29
  • Issue of women employment, unpaid work and care economy in chapter nine from 9.5 to 9.23
  • Draft bankruptcy code on page no. A 4 of statistical appendix

What else is important in volume two?

Authentic data about GDP growth, share of agriculture, industry and services in GDP and employment, savings, investment, gross fixed capital formation, major export and import items, major trading partners etc.

Data is dispersed in the survey so, let us make it easier for you. We will bring to you all the important data at one place as we cover economic survey chapter by chapter. In the meantime, start reading volume one from cover to cover for as I said before, they could be the best 150 pages you would ever read for exam purpose.

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By Dr V

Doctor by Training | AIIMSONIAN | Factually correct, Politically not so much | Opinionated? Yes!

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