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Due to its possible positive impact on Indian Transportation System, it is much needed technology for India. UPSC is known to ask questions on the applications of Science and Technology, this topic is one of them.

Hyperloop for India

Hyperloop one, the US based startup that plans to revolutionize the current modes of transportation, showcased its vision for India at an event in Delhi.

What is hyperloop?

  1. A proposed mode of freight and passenger transportation in which a pod like vehicle will be propelled through a near vacuum tube at airline speed for the price of a bus ticket.
  2. These pods essentially are autonomous which would enable high speed travel inside the tube. This will also ensure that the vehicles glide silently for miles without any turbulence.
  3. As we start the next revolution on Internet of things and digitize physical things we look towards a futuristic transportation infrastructure.

Proposals from India

  1. Hyperloop one plans to build networks around the world for which they need local partners, manufacturing companies and firms that innovate around the system. This is important to create common standards across the world.
  2. Hyperloop one held a global competition in 2016 asking contestants to submit proposals on were the network should be built.
  3. As per the company, highest number of registrations were from India and proposals from five Indian companies even made to the semi-final round. Each of these teams had proposed various routes for the network.
  4. These include Delhi to Mumbai, Bengaluru to Chennai, Bengaluru to Thiruvananthapuram among others.

Possible Advantages for India

  1. To transform urbanization and our current modes of transportation we need disruptive technology
  2. Remarkable shift in which we perceive urbanization as a person can stay in Chennai and work in Bengaluru
  3. It will be environmentally sustainable with no direct emissions
  4. It will be cost efficient
  5. Co- development will essentially mean access to technology
  6. It is in line with the government’s aim to Make in India, which will create local manufacturing jobs


  1. Concerns whether a developing country like India should invest in a technology which is still at experimental stage
  2. There exist regulatory challenges, whether hyperloop will come under railways or civil aviation or an entirely new body
  3. Safety concerns are yet to be addressed



Q.) What is the science involved in Hyperloop? Can it transform how Indians Transportation System? Examine

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