IAS Prelims 2016 Alert: 5 (Do’s) + 2 (Don’ts) = 7 Tips for 7th August

Here are few tips that you can follow through the coming days to make the best out of them!

The 5 DOs:

#1. Read the NCERTs and the basic books again. Believe it or not many trap questions are framed from such books

For example, remember this seemingly innocuous question?

Q4. Steppes are dry lands principally because of

(a) presence of mountain barriers across the paths of the prevailing winds

(b) subsiding air masses of the sub-tropical anticyclones

(c) their location in the deep interior of the large land masses

(d) desiccating effect of cold oceanic currents

While providing the solution I mentioned a paragraph from where the question was picked. The paragraph in fact mentions option (a), (b) and (c) in different contexts while adding that option (c) is the primary reason. The ones who have just read the NCERT in a cursory fashion would have tripped at this or gotten confused. So read these books again. They are VERY IMPORTANT.

#2. Practice Last year question papers. UPSC sometimes picks up information from last year MCQs to frame new MCQs. Solving these MCQs also acts like a confidence booster

While attempting MCQs identify the areas from where more questions are asked or where you make more mistakes. Revise those portions again.

#3. Keep reading the newspaper. Revise the current affairs at least from August 2015 onwards.

Do not fret over if you should read newspaper till June or July. Anyway you cannot miss it as the Mains shall be soon approaching. If you want a compilation of Civilsdaily’s news in a rich and easy to read .pdf – buy your e-copy from this link.

Use your travelling time productively! Read and revise news from Civilsdaily

#4. Make a study group of serious aspirants. Discuss topics, clarify doubts, ask questions especially from current affairs.

You would see that the forum has quite a healthy participation of aspirants who are helping each other out to the best of their abilities. The more you help, the more you revise and retain!

#5. Keep practicing the MCQs posted on the forum or from the quality test series you might have joined. Click here to access them


The 2 Don’ts

#1. Stay clear of the BSc (Bakar-Sutta-Chai) friends. Join them on 7th evening. You may feel otherwise but they won’t abandon you if you avoid them till the exam. Another type to avoid is the PDs (Perpetual Daydreamers). Those types who suddenly exclaim , “Bhai ek baar IAS ban gaya, teri kasam bhai, dot dot dot…………..”


#2. Refrain from studying new books whose study is inescapable to clear Prelims suggested by just any senior /junior /chaiwala /rikshawala /paanwala…………..

We hope these nifty tips will keep you on good stead for your run up to the PRELIMS Prep! Whether you have been writing test series elsewhere or not, tell us your expectations on a good test schedule.

  • Should we go for book wise tests OR subject wise?
  • Should we push more questions which are current affairs focussed?
  • Should we grill and make you revisit the factoids which have been important this year?

Please pour in your suggestions as they will help us fine tune the strategy for IAS Prelims 2016.


Published with inputs from Unbounded Wisdom.
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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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