IAS Prelims 2016 – The bare essentials to be followed

With less than 100 days remaining for the D-Day let us just browse through the list of bare minimum books that one should study and still find himself/herself in a sound position to attempt Prelims 2016 confidently.

# Current events of national and international importance.

Though it might not be surprising to find questions in this section picked up even from early 2015 but covering current affairs from August 2015. You may cover them from the e-copies of CD magazine and/or the notes that you might have made and/or use the news tab to go back to the months.

# History of India and Indian National Movement.

First thing first here. Study Spectrum. From thereupon you can move to Ancient and Medieval NCERTs of class 11th and 12th or you may cover the now famed History books of Tamil Nadu Board. But all that after Spectrum.

Click here to download FREE e-copies of these books.

# Indian and World Geography – Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.

Class XI and XII NCERTs (New and old as well if you can get them). Though discounted by some Goh Cheng Leong is still a book that can clarify many a concepts. Make Map reading a daily ritual from now on.


#Indian Polity and Governance -Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.

One word – Lakshmikanth. Right Issues are generally from famous Acts like Forest Rights Act or those related to Human Rights.


# Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc.

Cover NCERT of Class 11th and 12th and keep looking for the exact meaning of the economic terms used in the newspapers. Cover Economic Survey from the blog which are already there on the CD Website. Question topics like Social Sector Initiatives are generally from current affairs like some new scheme or policy.

Click here to download FREE e-copies of these books.

# General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialisation.

Shankar’s Book is a little too heavy. Just browse through it and read the first few pages of every chapters where it talks of concepts. If you can download them go through NIOS notes on Environment and read selected chapters like the one on Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Legislations, Environmental pollution et al. While you study current affairs and come across environment related terms like Earth Hour, Earth Day, learn about them!

# General Science.

Class 6th to 10th NCERT and Biodiversity related chapters from Class 11th and 12th. Current Technology shall be taken care of while studying current affairs.

Apart from this go through last year question papers as well.

To read 2015’s IAS Pre analysis – click here.

If you cover the text listed above, you can use other tools like elimination to zero in the correct alternative in many a MCQs in the Prelims. So now hit the ground running and just do it!

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By Unbounded Wisdom

Everyone knows the destination. Only few follow the path that leads to it!

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