Introducing Collections – Everything related to IAS Prep at one place


A few days ago, we launched a survey inviting our readers to pitch in with ideas which can help Civilsdaily improve its offerings to get you that coveted rank in the Civil Services Examination.

Among the many requests and suggestions, one which we have been hearing for quite sometime is this:

It is difficult to find related long form writeups in Civilsdaily

To solve for this particular problem, we have introduced a new concept called Collections. Collections are a group of posts which have similar theme. This is the most efficient way to discover relevant and related content for your IAS Prep in one place.

Introducing Collections

Over the last 2 days, we sat down and reviews all the long form write-ups written in last one year and put them into collection buckets. Now that we have segregated all the related posts, open them, read through, make notes and prepare well. Click on the headlines to go to the respective collections.

#1. How to Clear IAS?

Long term strategies for clearing the mother of all examination – The Civil Services Exam.

#2. Toppers Speak

Collection of blogs written by IAS rankers on their exam strategies and the ups and downs of preparation.

#3. UPSC Analysis

Previous years papers, exam patterns, answer keys and everything which can help you understand the IAS exam better.

#4. GS Paper 1

Official UPSC Syllabus – Indian & World History, Indian & World Geography, Topics related to Indian Society, Issues and Resolutions

#5. GS Paper 2

Official UPSC Syllabus – Indian Polity and Its Constitution, International Relations & World Institutions

#6. GS Paper 3

Official UPSC Syllabus – Indian Economics, Environment & Biodiversity, Science & Tech, Disaster Management & Internal Security

#7. GS Paper 4

All about Ethics

#8. Intro to Civil Services

Everything that you wanted to know about the Civil Services of India in one single place – exam, schedule, services, comparisons, life and job etc.

#9. Daily Motivation

Reflections and articles which help the aspirants stay on the path to conquer civil services. May contain anecdotes from in service officers or leaders from other walks of life.

#10. Babus of India

Everything about bureaucrats In India – News, Work, Life and Fun

#11. Indian Economic Survey

Everything related to discussions, chapter summaries, key takeaways and questions around the Indian Economic Survey. Most important annual document to study for IAS Prelims and Mains (GS papers).

#12. Annual Budget

Everything related to discussions, policy changes, key takeaways and questions around the Annual Budget. Most useful for statistics and policy comparison for IAS Prelims and Mains.

#13. Preparation Hacks

Hacks, Tips, Mnemonics, Last minute revision strategies from everyone and anyone to help you get past the IAS Pre-Mains-Interview hurdle.

#14. UPSC Memes

The lighter side of your IAS preparation. Enjoy and share the posts!

#15. Optionals Strategy for IAS Mains

Everything you need to know about how to pick an optional – recommended books, guide map, toppers’ strategy.

#16. PIB Features

PIB is a nodal agency of the Government of India to facilitate private media. This collection contains all the most important releases drafted over time.

#17. Landmark Judgements in India

Detailed explanation of some of the important judgements in India to help you understand the modern day evolution of Indian constitution. Beneficial for developing a thorough understanding for IAS Mains & interview.

and finally…

#18. CD Recommends

Posts we think more aspirants should read. Recommended by Civilsdaily staff. For example, this post goes into the collection of CD recommends!

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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