Dear 2022 UPSC Aspirants,
Phase A of Nikaalo Prelims just concluded, and we are happy that it has had a positive impact on many students. Those who joined our free telegram channel experienced a community of like-minded UPSC aspirants who were mentored by Varsha Ma’am. Varsha Ma’am was able to get regularity lacking in their preparation with her morning and evening sessions.

As a result of which, students felt their scores improving, found a renewed interest to follow the timetable and study, took inspiration from their peers on the group and also got access to sources that simplified concepts for them.
Join Nikaalo Prelims and get prelims spotlight notes, follow daily timetable, solve subject-wise mcqs & clarify your doubts with mentors.
Toppers who have cleared UPSC, have always said that even if they at the outset prepared casually, they streamlined their timetable in the last two months. You need a different approach than what you have been following all these days — an approach that pushes your limits for a very uncertain exam with increasing competition and decreasing vacancies.
What is Nikaalo Prelims
Nikaalo Prelims is a free initiative of Civilsdaily IAS to help aspirants to streamline their preparation during the peak months of prelims preparation. Our mentors work day and night to ensure that our aspirants get the best out of it.

What is covered in Nikaalo Prelims?
1. Detailed daily time table
2. Daily sessions on specific topics
3. Daily mcqs
4. Notes
5. All India open test
What is new in Nikaalo Prelims 4.0?
1. This time the program is divided into 3 parts.
2. Part-A: It will continue till February 28, 2022. Under part A, we will cover the Syllabus along with conceptual understanding and better subject wise clarity. There will be daily MCQ based sessions along with Doubt Clearing Sessions.
3. Part-B: It will start from March 1, 2022. Part B includes- daily sessions, daily Prelims Intensive spotlights notes, daily MCQs based quiz, All India test, Doubt Sessions.
4. CSAT: There will be one session dedicated to CSAT.

How to Join Civilsdaily Telegram Channel?
Join via the below link or scan the QR Code: