‘Mains 250+ Value Added Material’ for UPSC CSE Mains 2022 | 360° Comprehensive Notes on 250 Most Important Topics | Register and get FREE ACCESS

Register and we’ll email you the Mains 250+ VAM | Highly researched, 360° Comprehensive coverage | You will also get FREE mentorship session on How to make the most out of this material.

With less than a month left for UPSC Mains 2022 your focus must shift towards revision, value addition and improvement of your Mains answers.

It is time now to polish your skills and prepare productively. Collecting important information, news and current affairs, making notes, etc. on your own, at this point in time is a recipe for disaster.

Don’t waste your precious time.

Our CivilsDaily’s Mains team under Sajal sir has handpicked and compiled the most important 250+ topics for UPSC Mains 2022 and we are providing these to you for FREE.

  • Each topic has been covered in a crisp manner in 2-3 pages.
  • Every topic has forward backward linkages with current and static part of the syllabus.
  • All the relevant factual data and statistics has been highlighted in bold for every topic that will help you provide a solid introduction and conclusion.
  • Relevant case studies and examples have been provided for content enrichment.

How Mains 250+ Value Added Material be useful right now?

You might be wondering, with just a month away is it wise to register for any program right now, even for free? You don’t have to worry. The Mains 250+ VAM is not new information. It’s consolidated revision notes from the standard books and current affairs of UPSC-CSE Mains.

Our initiative last year of compiling issues and topics that had a high probability of being asked in Mains 2021 was a thumping success– our toppers said they greatly benefitted from it.

Coverage of topics in Mains 250+ VAM will have one and only one purpose – to enable you to write great answers to any question from a particular topic. To be able to write a convincing 250-word answer for a topic, you need to know at least 1-2 pages of content for it.

At this point in time studying everything is not desirable nor is it feasible. You don’t have time to read everything, segregate what is important and what’s not, make notes, cover different dimensions, and then find a way to utilize that. What you need at this point in time is efficient and organized coverage of the most relevant topics for the IAS mains exam. With Mains 250+ VAM we aim to help you achieve all this.

Mains 250+ Value Added Material is an intensive and holistic program for IAS Mains 2022 GS papers. We aim to cover 250+ most relevant issues with a 360-degree view, covering all dimensions of each and every topic. Not only you’ll learn and analyze these issues but will also understand how to utilize them via Daily Answer Writing and Mains Test Series.

Topic-Wise Current Affairs From An Issue Perspective

Current affairs in the IAS mains exam must be covered from an ‘issue perspective’ and almost all of them have multiple dimensions to it, various stakeholders involved, have interconnectedness, and can be solved with a multipronged approach only. This should reflect in your answers.

Mains 250+ VAM will help you enrich your pre-existing coverage and will add quality to it. With tests and mentorship, you will get an evaluation and necessary course correction. And we will provide daily answer writing to help you sharpen your answer writing skills and knowledge with our daily initiatives on Habitat.

Excluding your optional subject, we will be providing topic-wise notes from all the other GS papers for free. This includes Ethics case studies as well!

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2 years ago

I registered..but still i did not get any mail..???

I am not writing mains..but it is very much useful for TSPSC GROUP 1 exams..so please do the needful.

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2 years ago

Same I haven’t got any mail team please respond to it the concerned team take note of do send the mail


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