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Is UPSC 2022 examination your Goal?
Then MEP 2022 is your solution to practicing Mains Answer writing. Don’t procrastinate answer writing, developing a skill does not happen magically after you clear prelims.
Mains is the most important stage of the UPSC exam. It’s also becoming more and more unpredictable, analytical and dynamic than ever before.
A Sneek peak into Sunday’s paper
The judiciary can play an important role in carrying forward the mission of deepening democracy and protecting social freedoms in India. Do you agree? Critically Comment.
Judiciary has played an activist role when it comes to securing social freedoms or protecting democracy. The role of the judiciary is by any means an important topic that you should know. What we are going to test here is your diversity of points from PIL to Keshavananda Bharti case…what else you have got?
What is meant by ‘Sovereignty of Parliament’? Consider whether Indian, UK and USA respective bodies have such sovereignty?
Parliament, Executive, and judiciary are 3 important pillars of democracy. Understanding the roles and structure of all 3 is important. Also, comparison of constitutions is now appearing more in UPSC mains. Hence, we have tried to include that comparative angle.
What is MEP 2022?
Mains Essential Program 2022 is a Mentor guided comprehensive and intensive program for GS Mains papers. The focus is on making students understand the requirement of Mains Question, its elements, using information, and imparting answer writing skills for that.
Our previous year Mains tests have had an exceptional hit ratio in 2019 and 2018 UPSC Mains.
In 2020, 80% of students in our smash mains program were able to clear the mains examination.

Program inclusion:
- 10 Sectional tests: The whole syllabus will be divided into portions like history, economics, and geography. The test will be spread for a period of 7 months. This will ensure that your basic static preparation happens on a continuous basis alongside your mains answer writing program. Killing two birds with one stone!
- 12 Full-length tests: After the prelims, it is time to go full gear.
- Live Video discussion: You doubt why you are scoring less or how you can improve your score for the next paper. No worries! After every test, a live video discussion on the test will happen where you can raise your queries. And if by any chance you miss it, the recording will be made available to you.
- Civilsdaily’s handholding: You will be provided membership to Mains 2021 club on Habitat. There you can put up your doubts and queries. Also can be used to interact with peers on strategies to improve your mains writing. You can also contact mentors like Sajal sir, Sukanya ma’am, Sudhanshu sir and Ajay sir. They all have interview-level experience, so utilize their experience to your benefit.
- Civilsdaily magazine: Your current affairs will be covered with access to our 1-year subscription.
Why MEP 2022? (Our Philosophy)
1. Question Formulation
It happens under a team of experienced Civilsdaily’s faculty. Questions framed are from the most important UPSC relevant themes and papers are based on the latest pattern of UPSC.
Our questions specifically state:
- Whether they are straightforward or thought-provoking/analytical.
- Whether they have subparts.
- Why this question – similar previous year questions, the importance of the theme, etc.
CD Innovation – Red-green highlight – to let you know about the necessary and innovative points.
2. Live Video Discussion
Just writing a mock is not enough. You need to discuss your issues and ways through which you can improve. This is where our Live video discussion comes in handy. Raise your queries as the mentor discusses with you the structure of answers and how to enhance your answer writing.
3. Answer Checking
Our evaluation focusses on multiple dimensions and parameters like structure, flow, presentation, contextuality, relevance to question, analytical excellence, and cross-domain inter-linkages than simply on superficial, memory-based lapses.

Evaluated answer copy – 1 (Click to download)
Evaluated answer copy – 2 (Click to download)
Read more about our methodology here.
4. Model Answers
More than just simply providing information, our model answers cover all the aspects of a question and provide enriching points to the student. They also include:
- For ‘thought-provoking/analytical’ type of questions, we’ll provide the best way to approach them.
- Alternate introductions
- Sub-headings and categorization to enhance readability and answer structure.
- Colour coding for main arguments, reports, data, scholars, etc.
- OTB – Out of the box points for additional marks
5. Civilsdaily’s Handholding
You’ll be assigned to a special group on Civilsdaily’s Habitat, there you can interact with different mentors like Sajal Sir, Sukanya ma’am, Ajay Sir, Sudhanshu sir, and others.
Habitat is where everything comes together learning, doubt clearing, notes, references, mentor’s support, and a focussed community. You’re going to learn and discuss like never before.
6. Value-added material
Current affairs magazines – Civilsdaily’s Magazines are the best in terms of comprehensive coverage, superb design, and high readability. Get them here.
Listicles and other relevant study material – Supplementary content provided will be helpful in covering multiple related questions.
This is what our students have to say..

Mains Test Series Community: Testimonials