Mains Manthan 2022 with 1-to-1 mentorship | Replicating 80% Success Rate for Mains 2021 results | Starts in June-100 Seats only

Guys! The fundamental contrast between UPSC-CSE Prelims and Mains is that while the Prelims focus on recognition (of information) and requires an exhaustive study covering a wide variety of topics, Mains need the ability to recall, analyze and express (ideas and information, including one’s own thoughts) properly which can only be done through an intensive study of the topic. Therefore it is very important to evaluate in-depth, shun procrastination answering writing, and developing a skill does not happen magically after you clear prelims. the topics that you have picked for Mains, and in doing so you have to match your skills with the subject at hand. Using the right approach and picking the right parts of the syllabus for the intensive study will not only help manage time but also garner more marks in the end.

The FLT program with One to One mentorship will focus on how to deliver a rule of thumb to answer only what the question demands.  In 2021, 82% of students in our smash mains program were able to clear the mains examination.

The Hindu has acknowledged CD’s Mains answer writing & Mentorship programs.

MEP – FLT EDITION 2022 Program Inclusion:

..Students will also get 250+ most important topics for mains 2022

  • 12 Full-length tests: After the prelims, it is time to go full gear. Practice 3 rounds of FLT based on 4 GS paper.
  • Quality Enrichment Program Notes: QEP is an intensive and holistic program for IAS Mains 2022 GS papers. We aim to cover up to 250 most relevant issues with a 360-degree view, covering all dimensions of each and every topic. Not only you’ll learn and analyze these issues but will also understand how to utilize them via Daily Answer Writing and Mains Test Series.
  • Additional Materials: Important keywords from economic survey, data, case studies & quality enhancement additional materials for good practices.
  • Personalized discussion in 1-to-1 mentorship: You doubt why you are scoring less or how you can improve your score for the next paper. No worries! Just schedule a call with our mentor to clear all your doubts and queries.
  • Civilsdaily’s handholding: You will be provided membership to Mains 2023 club on Habitat. There you can put up your doubts and queries. Also can be used to interact with peers on strategies to improve your mains writing. You can also contact mentors like Sajal sir, Sukanya ma’am, Sudhanshu sir and Poornima Ma’am. They all have interview-level experience, so utilize their experience to your benefit.
  • Civilsdaily magazine: Your current affairs will be covered with access to our 1-year subscription.

MAINS GUIDANCE PLUS 2022 Program Inclusion:

  • Sectional Tests: 8 sectional tests to cover your static portions in detail. The scope will be spread over your core subjects like history, economics, polity, etc.
  • Full-length tests: 12 FLTs to help you practice for the final main examination. These FLTs are patterned on the UPSC Examination and have medium-to-high-quality questions. They will surely boost your preparation and test your analytical skills.
  • One-on-One Mentorship: After every test, a call with a mentor will be arranged and you can clear your doubts on the paper. This is important as, with your mentor, you can discuss your weaknesses and strategize for the next paper.
  • A Quality Enrichment Program Notes: QEP is an intensive and holistic program for IAS Mains 2022 GS papers. We aim to cover up to 250 of the most relevant issues with a 360-degree view, covering all dimensions of each and every topic. Not only will you learn and analyze these issues, but you will also understand how to utilize them via Daily Answer Writing and the Mains Test Series.
  • Civilsdaily’s handholding: You will be provided membership to Mains 2023 club on Habitat. There you can put up your doubts and queries. Also can be used to interact with peers on strategies to improve your mains writing. You can also contact mentors like Sajal sir, Sukanya ma’am, Sudhanshu sir and Poornima Ma’am. They all have interview-level experience, so utilize their experience to your benefit.
  • Civilsdaily magazine: Your current affairs will be covered with access to our 1-year subscription.

Quality standards of questions in our test series

Check our reviews at Quora

UPSC-CSE 2021 Rankers are saying…
Mantri Mourya Bharadwaj AIR 28 UPSC CSE 2021 Hall of Fame
Mantri Mourya Bharadwaj AIR 28
Rohan Kadam AIR 295 UPSC CSE 2021 Hall Of Fame
Soham Mandre AIR 267 UPSC CSE 2021 Hall Of Fame

Our Philosophy behind FLT- 2022

1. Question Formulation

It happens under a team of experienced Civilsdaily faculty. Questions framed are from the most important UPSC relevant themes and papers are based on the latest pattern of UPSC.

Our questions specifically state:

  • Whether they are straightforward or thought-provoking/analytical.
  • Whether they have sub-parts.
  • Why this question – similar to previous year’s questions, the importance of the theme, etc.

CD InnovationRed-green highlight – to let you know about the necessary and innovative points.

2. One-to-One Discussion

We believe in personalized individual attention. This is the biggest reason why you should join our TS. Students can schedule a call within 2 days of receiving their checked copies.

A one-to-one discussion with your Mentor will not only highlight your weaknesses but will also help in tracking your improvements over the subsequent tests. It will also ensure consistency, continuity, and progressive improvement.

3. Answer Checking

Our evaluation focuses on multiple dimensions and parameters like structure, flow, presentation, contextuality, relevance to question, analytical excellence, and cross-domain inter-linkages than simply on superficial, memory-based lapses.

4. Model Answers

More than just simply providing information, our model answers cover all the aspects of a question and provide enriching points to the student. They also include:

  • For ‘thought-provoking/analytical’ type of questions, we’ll provide the best way to approach them.
  • Alternate introductions
  • Sub-headings and categorization to enhance readability and answer structure.
  • Colour coding for main arguments, reports, data, scholars, etc.
    OTB – Out of the box points for additional marks

5. Civilsdaily’s Handholding

You’ll be assigned to a special group on Civilsdaily’s Habitat, there you can interact with different mentors like Partha Sir, Sukanya ma’am, Ajay Sir, Swatantra sir, and others.

6. Value-added material

Current affairs magazines – Civilsdaily’s Magazines are the best in terms of comprehensive coverage, superb design, and high readability.

Listicles and other relevant study material – Supplementary content provided will be helpful in covering multiple related questions.

About Mentor & 3 Others:

Sukanya Rana:

Our Civilsdaily Mains Program Head Sukanya Rana has been mentoring 1500+ students & 100+ Rankers across multiple stages from prelims to mains to interviews. She is part of Smash Mains as an Ethics Mentor and helped Civilsdaily topper to achieve their dream. She has firsthand experience of 4 mains and 2 interviews of UPSC. She has also appeared in the State PCS interview. She aims to guide future aspirants in finding success. Sukanya Ma’am has scored consistently 100+ marks in ethics and in 2019 her marks were 140 in GS 4. In 2020, under her mentorship, many smash mains students were able to secure 110+ marks.

👉 Acknowledging the need to ensure fastest mentorship response, Senior IAS mentor like Partha Sir, Swatantra Sir, will receive your call.

The Hindu has acknowledged CD’s 80% success rate.


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