A fresh engineering graduate gets a job in a prestigious chemical industry. She likes the work. The salary is also good. However, after a few months she accidentally discovers that a highly toxic waste is being secretly discharged into a river nearby. This is causing health problems to the villagers downstream who depend on the river for their water needs. She is perturbed and mentions her concern to her colleagues who have been with the company for longer periods. They advise her to keep quite as anyone who mentions the topic is summarily dismissed. She cannot risk losing her job as she is the sole bread-winner for her family and has to support her ailing parents and siblings. At first, she thinks that if her seniors are keeping quiet, why should she stick out her neck. But her conscience pricks her to do something to save the river and the people who depend upon it. At heart she feels that the advice of silence given by her friends is not correct though she cannot give reasons for it. She thinks you are a wise person and seeks your advice. (a) What arguments can you advance to show her that keeping quiet is not morally right? (b) What course of action would you advise her to adopt and why? 10 marks

Mentor’s comment-

  • In the introduction briefly present the key details of the case study.
  • In the body one must present arguments in favor of not keeping quiet such as – deficits of ‘Business without
    morality’, need to be a conscience citizen, questions of integrity involved. Suggest a course of action to take the corrective measures for the situation – Moral persuasion, need
    for her to preserve integrity and walk with high morality and business ethics.
  • Conclude with suitable middle path that satisfies all the issues and concerns in the question.
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@Parth Verma.
Is it necessary to write ethical jargons(terms) as done in part A of this answer

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