Answer the following questions based on the concept of conscience: (a) What is conscience? Explain the following quote with respect to that – “In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place”. (Mahatma Gandhi) and (b) How is conscience shaped by the education, law, and authority? What is the importance of conscience in decision-making?(250 Words)

(a) What is conscience? Explain the following quote with respect to that – “In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place”. (Mahatma Gandhi)

• The inner conscience is defined as that part of the human psyche that induces mental
anguish and feelings of guilt when we violate it and feelings of pleasure and well-being
when our actions, thoughts and words are in conformity to our value systems.
• The conscience is a servant of the individual’s value system. An immature or weak value
system produces a weak conscience, while a fully informed value system produces a strong
sense of right and wrong.
• In the above quote, Gandhiji has stated that decisions should be taken based on the conscience, the principles of right and wrong not what majority demands in the society.
• The decisions should be based on the ethical principle of good to greater number of people.
• Many a times in democracy majority wins over minority and programmes and policies get
moulded according to their needs rather than being based on universal ethical principles.
One’s Conscience should always guide oneself.

(b) How is conscience shaped by the education, law, and authority? What is the importance of conscience in decision-making?

• A human being always comes across ethical dilemmas in decision making process.
• An ethical dilemma can be described as a circumstance that requires a choice between competing sets of principles in a given, usually undesirable or perplexing, situation. Conflicts of interest are possibly the most obvious example that could place sector leaders in an ethical dilemma.
• At this point conscience acts as the guide for taking correct decisions. Conscience of an
individual helps in analyzing the situation from different perspectives and help in taking the right decision.
• Conscience is a special act of the mind that comes into being when the intellect passes
judgment on the goodness or badness of a particular act. It is a practical judgment on
particular, concrete, human actions.
• Conscience is not innate rather developed with time, value syatem, etc. It is shaped by
education, law and authority.
• Proper education develops wisdom which helps in differentiating between right and wrong. It helps in taking rational decisions.
• Law and authority instill fear of punishment to develop conscience. Forbidden actions in the society are accompanied by punishment becomes associated with pain and the threat of
• Thus, conscience is, in effect, a social mechanism for the development of ethics in a society.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Very good discussion in (a).
Examples are quite apt. Keep it up.
Similarly, the explanation in (b) is amazing.
Very good discussion overall.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Better points and discussion are needed in (a)
Your direction is on the right track but you need more points to make it potent.
Also better example is needed. The present example lacks the context of the question.
Points in the (b) part are better placed but need more explanation.
Suitable examples are needed.

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5 years ago

Q4 not checked

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

Couple of suggestions.
Avoid lengthy paragraphs. Give proper break in your points to make it better suited.
Secondly, do mention some examples in terms of civil services with respect to the quote of Gandhi.
Apart from that the discussion is good and explanation crisp.
In the (b) part, while giving examples, do not mention so many names. It loses the sheen of your argument. Similarly in the 1st part of (b) while discussing knowledge, you mentioned so many traits. Avoid that. It makes the statement and paragraph lengthy.
As I mentioned in (a), you have to mention some examples in terms of a civil servant in (b) also

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

Give proper ending to your answers.
Do mention some examples in terms of civil services and civil servants in both (a) and (b) with respect to the quote of Gandhi as well as the conscience related to decision making.
Apart from that the discussion is good.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Decent answer.
Explanation has all the necessary elements and depth.
But some more examples can be given by keeping a civil servant in the middle.
Apart from that, nothing to tinker in the answer.
Your balance between (a) and (b) are good. too.
Keep it up.



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