As extreme weather events turn into a challenge for the disaster management authorities, analyse India’s preparedness in dealing with this new threat. (150 W/ 10 M)

Mentor’s comment

  • The first half of the question sets the background which needs to be kept in mind while framing the answer. The phrase ‘extreme weather events’ (EWEs) is of critical importance.
  • Your introduction can state (with examples and facts) how EWEs have become more frequent and ‘disastrous’.
  • The body will deal with the main question i.e ‘analysis of India’s preparedness’. Here, first mention the appropriate regulatory guidelines (if any). Then, with suitable examples, talk about the performance of the states. Following a regional approach will be better as then you can rank states on the basis of the effectiveness of their responses.
  • Conclude the answer with a ‘way forward’ and mention the gravity of the situation (given worsening climate change).

Model Answer

Meaning of  Extreme Weather Event

  1. Extreme weather is when a weather event is significantly different from the average or usual weather pattern. This may take place over one day or a period of time. A flash flood or heat wave are two examples of extreme weather.
  2. According to SAARC reports almost 85 percent of India is vulnerable to one or more natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, cyclones and landslides.
  3. More than 50 million people are affected by natural disasters annually, according to the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM).
  4. There are several examples of such events like the catastrophic floods in state of Uttarakhand, floods in the city of Mumbai and Chennai, mudslides in Leh and earthquakes in Sikkim having a very heavy death toll.
  5. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), more than 1,600 people died due to extreme weather conditions across India last year. Among the above 1600, the 40% of deaths were happened due to the severe heat wave

Preparedness of India in dealing with extreme weather events

There are no direct NDMA guidelines to deal with Extreme weather events but several steps are taken by NDMA to tackle EWE

  • At the national level, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has a trained national disaster response force (NDRF) with 10 battalions, each with 5,000-10,000 personnel, stationed in several parts of the country for speedy deployment for rescue, evacuation and response.
  • Apart from this initiatives are taken on the ground to strengthen vulnerable communities, for preparedness and mitigation of disaster.
  • NDMA conducts 2 day workshops every year to focus on spreading awareness on heatwaves and reduce the number of deaths. This workshop is attended by officials of heat wave prone states.

Despite efforts taken by Indian Government to counter extreme events still, Heat waves killed 1,422 in Andhra Pradesh and 541 in Telangana in 2016 while around 1000 people were killed because of floods in India in 2017.

Following steps should be taken by India to counter Extreme events

  1. Disaster management needs to be seen as an essential part of good governance and integral to development planning
  2. Regions like northeast which is at most risk from earthquakes needs seismically secure infrastructure and buildings
  3. Policy makers, implementers and local government must work towards investing in people-oriented preparedness at different levels.
  4. A master plan for city should be prepared to prepare a holistic plan for the city which focuses on community participation.
  5. Municipal bodies need be more proactive to ensure drainage system remain unclogged.
  6. Disaster Management agencies need to shift their focus from post disaster relief to preparedness and risk mitigation.
  7. Timely warnings by IMD about a possible spike in temperatures, to alert the people in advance, in collaboration with the NDMA and SDMAs.
  8. Allowing sufficient provision of piped water supply for drinking to households, as well as places like schools, working places, and even public taps, for the convenience of the general public.
  9. Preparing a national, state, as well as district-level action plan, in co-ordination with public health authorities.
  10. Providing quick treatment to the affected, and spreading awareness about keeping ice packs in store, for quick relief.
  11. Allowing for an adjustment in the timings of schools, and workplaces.
  12. URBAN GREENING-The gardens and roadsides should be covered by trees to provide relief to bye passers


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