The increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities causes global warming or climate change. Global warming has increased substantially over the past couple of decades that have led to warming of oceans. This warming has affected the ocean inhabitants including corals.
Impact of global warming on corals:
- Bleaching is a phenomenon where the corals lose their distinctive colour due to loss of zooxanthellae algae. These algae live in a symbiotic relationship and thus their death also leads to the death of corals.
- Eg: Bleaching observed in the Great barrier reef of Australia.
Fluctuations in mineral composition of oceans
- The temperature of oceans regulates mineral contents present in them such as magnesium and calcium. With the imbalance in mineral contents, the corals are unable to utilise these minerals and survive.
- Eg: Collapse of coral colonies in Caribbean islands due to mineral imbalance.
- The phytoplanktons are a major source of nutrients for the corals. These sustain their lives in optimum subtropical temperatures. Without these organisms, the corals cannot survive.
- Eg: Reduction in phytoplankton in subtropical waters.
Mineral imbalance:
- Due to increase in global temperature corals are losing their mineral contents which are useful to sustain the life of corals.
- Eg:Coral colonies at Carrabian islands are lost due to mineral imbalance.
Way Forward:
- Urgent steps that can reverse global temperatures is the need of the hour. This includes methods like curbing carbon emission, ozone protection etc.
- Reduce the burning of fossil fuel and emission of harmful gases like CO2, NOx, SOx in the atmosphere.
- Reducing pollution near water bodies and the banning of non-biodegradable products near oceans and lakes.
- Artificial reefs can be a solution to stop an island from downing.
Thus, we can say that the threats posed by warming conditions have the potential to deplete coral resources forever if urgent measures are not taken for their protection.
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How did you post the image files? i m also a paid subscriber of their review program.
The structure of the answer is decent.
The points are exhaustive.
Decent structure.
The language is short and simple.
Your handwriting is good but try to make it clearer.
It’s good that you mentioned way forwards.
Payment id – MOJO0207R00A99438901
Kindly review… I see no upload options here. Hence i put the dropbox links.
In the join the discussion… box there is an option of attachment of files.
thank you sir. It was not visible earlier. Now it is fine.
In-depth answer.
Coverage is excellent.
Points are well placed.
Good flow of the structure.
All the parts are answered in a holistic manner.
Keep writing like this.
plz review
Briefly mention corals in your intro. That is how you will link the issue of the question in your intro.
No need to explain what is global warming.
The 1st part of the answer is decently handled.
But you have space left in the 2nd page and hence you could have written a better and detailed way forward
The explanation is decent in the answer.
Good language.
The attempt is fine.
Well tried.
Points coverage are exhaustive and well placed.
But the explanation is a little bit on the higher side.
Keep your statements 10-12 words long.
The way forwards are missing.
This is a lengthy topic hence try to use flowcharts to discuss the way forward of the answer.
The way forward seems to be regarding a question regarding carbon emission and not saving corals!
The main body of the answer is fine.
Good content in the 1st part.
The overall explanation is decent.
But weak way forward.
Read the model answer.
Good intro.
Decent use of flowchart in the last part though it could be made more clear.
Decent content overall in the answer.
Coverage is comprehensive.
The language is decent and well structured.
New York ranks 46th out of 50 states in terms of the number of greenhouse emissions produced by one person. The compact, dense development in the metropolitan region and the high rate of mass transit use in the city are mostly to blame for the highly efficient use of energy. You can check out url to know the problem of global warming in New York State. There are several concerns and problems in the state of York as a result of man’s increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Its effects on the populace, the environment, the state’s economy, etc., are of great concern. Numerous areas of the state of New York are already experiencing dramatic weather changes, sea level rise, and numerous other problems that are endangering the local communities.