Civil Servants are expected to work in offices within various organizations. For them it is important they should know about office politics so that they know what is going on in the organization. They must be aware of the happenings around them. Being aware of politics gives him a view of the way things are progressing.
At the same time, however, it is essential that they should not be affected by this politics or make themselves a part of any of the group otherwise it will lead to a split within the organization finally leading to a decrease in the efficiency of the workers. They should not be biased to any group in the organization and must stay away from the group politics.
It is important the civil servants should make sure that the internal politics of the workers does not affect the work performance of the organization. For this, they should strike a balance with the workers. If the civil servants themselves become a part of office politics, it will lead to biases and the leader showing favor towards a particular group and this will give rise to factionalism and split.
So, it is the responsibility of the civil servants to make sure that the efficiency of workers does not get affected due to office politics of organization and for this, they should ensure that they are not involved in the group politics or internal affairs of the organization.
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Very good answer.
It has discussed all the points that would have been relevant to the topic.
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Highlight your subheadings more prominently. Make a box around them in order to reflect the change in the direction of the answer.
All in all a very good answer.
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Very large paragraphs.
The direction of the answer is O but the execution needs refining.
Why civil servant should know about office politics? How does it help him/her in doing his/her duty? For them it is important they should know about office politics so that they know what is going on in the organization. They must be aware of the happenings around them. Being aware of politics gives him a view of the way things are progressing.
Write in bullet points under various subheadings.
Underline important points.
Read the answer of Sahithya above yours. That is the ideal template of writing and explaining in short paragraphs.
Underline important points.
The last part of the answer can be avoided. That is not required in the answer.
Apart from that, a very good answer.
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The content is good.
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