Discuss the problems that impeded the integration of the princely states into the Indian Union. How were these problems tackled? (250W/15M)

Mentors Comment:

The question has two parts and they are crystal clear in their demands. First you have to discuss what were the challenges that Indian leadership faced while integrating these princely states into Union of India. Secondly what were the mechanisms and steps used to overcome this challenge.

In the intro, discuss the role of princely states in British India.

Then come to the first part of the question and discuss what were the challenges in integrating these states. Religion of rulers and common people, political nature of these states, non clarity from the British while framing rules for these states during independence, sense of independence for the rulers, interference of Pakistan, challenges of Junagadh, Kashmir and Hyderabad will form the key arguments of this part.

Then discuss how Sardar Patel and other leaders moved forward to tackle these challenges. Persuasion, patriotism, tactical diplomacy and force was used to get these states with independent India.

Towards the end, show how all these steps helped forming an unified India with distinct political identity which has held its own even after 73 years of independence.

Model Answer:

While British were leaving India after almost 200 years of ruling, Indian leadership had a large task in their hands: Uniting and Integrating a large of India into a single political unit. This problem was tremendous while dealing with Princely States. Though major part of British India was ruled by British directly still there were many princely states who were ruled by the British indirectly. With partition of India and Pakistan, India still had more than 500 smaller princely states which were not part of the two nations.

The problem in front of Indian leaders was twofold.

  • Of transforming the states into viable administrative units;
  • Of absorbing them into the constitutional units.

Challenges with Princely States were:

  • During the time of proclamation of India’s independence, Britain took a stand that princely states can either join with India or Pakistan or they can remain independent.
  • This clause created much confusion.
  • For the rulers of princely states they cannot even imagine of ceding their power under Indian constituent Assembly.
  • These states followed different administrative methods; some were aristocratic, strong differences between the states themselves, people with different opinions, mindsets and culture to name a few reasons.
  • Princely states started demanding independence after lapse of British paramountcy.
  • It was argued that after British withdrawal the situation in the Princely states would turn into lawlessness and anarchy and it is important to be associated with a centre of power to handle the situation.
  • Emergence of hundreds of independent states would made the struggle of Indian independence futile.
  • Therefore integration of princely states became a major agenda for Indian leaders.
  • Eventually, rulers of all the 652 states with exception of Junagarh, Kashmir and Hyderabad had signed the instrument of Accession by 15 August, 1947.
  • Junagadh Nawab wanted to join Pakistan but his people wanted to join Indian dominion.
  • Hyderabad wanted a sovereign status.
  • Kashmir had a Hindu prince and a Muslim majority population. The prince envisaged a sovereign status for the state and was reluctant to accede to either India or Pakistan.
  • The 3 major issues that impeded the integration process were, firstly their demand for independence, secondly the demand to integrate with Pakistan and finally the problems of administrative integration after political integration.
  • Also Pakistan was influencing the decisions of these states by offering financial as well political tools to these states if they acceded in Pakistan. This was a headache for Indian leadership.

How these challenges were overcome:

  • To ensure that princely states did not succeed in their bid for independence, Viceroy Lord Mountbatten and Congress leaders initiated deliberations with the rulers.
  • Sardar Patel, chief architect of creating Union of India, appealed to the patriotic feeling of rulers to join the Indian dominion in matters of defence, communication and external affairs.
  • An Instrument of Accession (IoA) was drafted according to which the rulers agreed to transfer the control of Defence, External Affairs and Communication.
  • Various states had joined the Indian Union but other remained precariously outside.
  • In case of Hyderabad force was used, in Junagadh plebiscite was conducted and the Maharaja of J&K signed IoA after threat of attack from Pakistan.
  • Accession itself did not mean integration. After British withdrawal popular protest grew in the princely states under the States Peoples Congress demanding full democratic representation.
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel used this opportunity to negotiate for full integration into India and in exchange he offered to the rulers a tax free privy purses guaranteed under Constitution, the right to retain their titles and their property and palaces.
  • Incorporating smaller states into contiguous provinces listed in Part A-Chhattisgarh, Gujarat.
  • At the same time making some states as centrally, administered for strategic or special reason listed in Part C-Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, etc.
  • In two years from independence full integration was achieved. Apart from the diplomatic tactics of Congress leaders, it was the popular protest and demands that drove the integration process.


Overall with skillful diplomacy, persuasion and timely use of force, India was able to integrate all the princely states in its territory to integrate with India within few years of Independence. India was able to use better mechanisms through democratic centralized credentials of Indian state for better integration of states thereby bringing in a sense of unity among various states which is everstrong after all these years since independence.

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6 years ago

Civil society daily please check u have done full payment already

Gopi K Mishra
Gopi K Mishra
6 years ago

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Please review!!

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Gopi K Mishra

Hello Gopi K Mishra…
-Introduction is good…
-Under challenges…Ideas in points are good…and well presented…
-However, as problems tackled…I feel you should specifically mention about the Hyderabad, Junagarh and Kashmir…because they were tackled in special sense…
-Also laud the efforts taken by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in integrating all princely ststes despite all odds…
-There is some language issue in conclusion…should be considered carefully….
Overall a good approach….certainly have good potential to improve further…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5.5/15

-Use proper format for answer…the pages should have margin on both edges….
-Paragraph should be arranged in proper order…. with a proper format for answer…
-Moreover, the click should be clear and straight which should not pose any difficulty in reading….

Gopi K Mishra
Gopi K Mishra
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thanks for the feedback!!

6 years ago

CDTEST20618comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Noah

Hi Noah…
-Introduction is incomplete…we should also mention the features as well as importance of these Princely states in intro itself…
-You have not mentioned the impediments….neglected the demand of the question….
-Instrument of Accession is being signed only with Kashmir and not with any other states…the other states were added in some or other way….conceptual clarity needed…
-The other points mentioned are okay…
-Conclusion need more justification…
However, a good attempt…will certainly improve further…keep writing….
Marks awarded: 5/15

Kindly mention ID provided by us while uploading answers….

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imgroot

Hello Imgroot….
-Introduction is okay…could have been more better if some role played by these 565 princely states would have been mentioned…
-However, points in main body is good and well presented…
-Good conclusion as well…Very nice approach…
Well done…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 8/15

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  CD0705

Kindly provide correct and complete ID…

-Introduction is poor….as you have not mentioned importance and features of princely states…
-You have brought very few points as challenges….need to bring more points with relevant details…
-However, the way to tackle….points are good though needed justification…..
-You always skip conclusion be it your previous answers or others…conclusion is an important part of answer without which answer is not worth…so bring conclusion….

Marks awarded: 4.5/15

6 years ago

comment image comment image
Please check civils daily

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  n1

Kindly mention your ID provided by us while uploading answers….

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  n1

Hello n1…
-Very poor introduction…We need to talk about the existence of princely states and their features for India….How they were different in terms of challenges…
-Though points mentioned as challenges are okay but they lack completeness…completeness can be brought with a bit justification of the points…The 3 major issues that impeded the integration process were, firstly their demand for independence, secondly the demand to integrate with Pakistan and finally the problems of administrative integration after political integration and More important influence by Pakistan….etc…
-Though a good attempt…well approached
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4/15

-Use proper format for answer…the pages should have margin on both edges….
-Paragraph should be arranged in proper order…. with a proper format for answer…
-Moreover, the click should be clear and straight which should not pose any difficulty in reading….

6 years ago
Reply to  n1

Why no one is checking this answer this??

6 years ago

CDTEST 20378comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Invincible

Hello invincible…
-Very poor introduction….neglected the demand of the question…
-Points as challenges are not worth…and does not fulfill the demand of the question….This is the main part of the question…skipping this will leave the answer incomplete….
-Points under tackling this problem…are too general…

Overall the answer is very poor….and is not worth for the question asked…You seriously need to mug up some factual knowledge about the topic…keep writing…will improve for sure…

6 years ago
Reply to  Invincible

bhai ye civils daily 1000 rs per month vala package ke answer yahi upload karne hain kya?

6 years ago
Reply to  n1



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