Due to the contemporary developments in the information technology and convergence, the accesses of adults and children to media including variety of entertainment have increased. The children have impressionable minds and the quality of entertainment would have a bearing on them even when they grow adults. One moderately rich family has two children who have given mobile phones to their children with internet connection so that they can complement their studies with huge amounts of information and aids available on the internet. Father encourage children to ‘grow with the technology of their times’ and rather than ‘forcing discipline’ on them. However, there is also the misuse of information technology. The students are engaging in many undesirable activities outside the school, especially their exposure to many computer games (Blue Whale Challenge, Dead Space 2, Mortal Kombat, Medal of Honour, Call of Duty Black OPS, New Vegas etc.), which are known to be fatal and addictive, impinging on their education and value systems. Answer the following questions: (a) What steps parents can take to stop such new and pervasive kind of menace due to the unrestricted use of the computers and mobile phones? (5 Marks) (b) What is the importance of “forced discipline” in this case? (5 Marks) (c) How can discipline be sustained for a long time without discontent of the subjects? (5 Marks)



(a) What steps parents can take to stop such a new and pervasive kind of menace due to the unrestricted use of computers and mobile phones?

  • In the contemporary world, we suffer from information explosion and are consumed by the influence of technology where the rational mind takes over the emotional mind.
  • As in the above case overuse of mobile phones is having a detrimental effect on children. As children have low maturity levels and have impressionable brains thus vulnerable to distractions.
  • Thus for disciplining children, parents have to take both carrot and stick approach as well as educating and creating awareness about the side effects of mobile phones.
  • “Carrots” are privileges that have to be earned or incentives that will motivate them to do complete their tasks. These rewards are such as watching television, playing a computer game, or going outside to play with their friends.
  • “Sticks” on the other hand, are a punishment or disciplinary actions for work not done or when a child disobeys his or her parents. This punishment does not mean caning the child.
  • It is about emplacing the fear that will keep them away from the distractions.
  • Apart from that parents should make sure that child has access to age-appropriate online sites which do not promote unethical behavior or violence.
  • They should also observe the child’s behavior closely to get to know about any unusual changes like moodiness, less or no communication, lack of interest in studies and falling grades.


(b) What is the importance of “forced discipline” in this case?

  • Teenage is the most vulnerable time in the life of a person; as the person is struggling with identity issues and still trying to figure out who they are. This makes them especially susceptible to online crime and emotional abuse, such as the Blue Whale Challenge. Thus forced discipline is needed.
  • Discipline teaches a person to follow rules and may involve punishment for breaking disciplinary rules and, more importantly, rewards for following the discipline.
  • In the case of children forced discipline is important as children are not that mature to follow path of self-discipline.
  • But the parents should not be authoritative, parents should follow flexibility and collaborative problem solving attitude with the children to teach them the importance of discipline in life so that they can move for self-discipline with the time.


(c) How can discipline be sustained for a long time without discontent with the subjects?

  • Discipline is important but in the long run carrot and stick, the policy may become ineffective.
  • To sustain the awareness, parents should talk to their children more often. Explore the online world together and engage in interesting activities demonstrating ethical and safe online behavior.
  • They should act as a role model to a child.
  • If a child becomes an addict to computer games or the online world, in such cases, it becomes important to make the person feel that help is available without judgment.
  • Encouraging expressing one’s feelings either in spoken words, a letter or a journal helps in releasing emotions. This will help the person move a step away from harm.
  • Also, spreading awareness about how to report abuse online, taking screenshots or saving IP addresses as proof will let them know that help is available.
  • As adults, parents should play a more active without trying to invade their privacy or threaten them with dire consequences.
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5 years ago

The importance of the gaming and cyber addiction can be known from the fact that tit has been included in the icd classifocation as a disease and efforts are being made by countries to restrict and limit teir exposure to children ,for ex . China passed a law, restricting gaming amaongst children
Being the people closest to children the onus of preventing addiction and ensuring efficient and effective mental and physical developmeng of children falls on parents.
They should ensure adequate restriction on accessability of hazardous contents by children through parent lock and black listing of web sites showing contents affecting the psycho social development of children.They should talk to tye adolescents and make them aware about the positive and negative impacts of these and decrase the craze and curiousity for violence , gaming and pornography through repeated cou selling sessions.Theu should spend time with children and look for any change in social behaviour of the child in order to catch him early in case of deviations.

A child is loke a blank board , he engraves in him or her whatever he sees hears and learns through it. The sense of intrigue and curiousity drives them to things denied to them . They have li ited judgement regarding right or wrong. In this context the parents role become imperative to make them understand and spread awareness amongst them. Complete restriction on gaming or cyber surfing is not advisable . Restriction on content and the time zpent would act better . Performance incentive model would ensure effective work and play simultaneously . Forced restriction would create a negative impact on the psyche of the child .

Maintaining disciplined routine is the toughest and ardent task in hand. A child should not be forced to follow a routine . He should be slowly handheld through the path so that it becomes a habit rather than a torture.
Providing incentives to him will definitely aid it. The most important factor being parents should also folow what they ask their child to do.So that he follows them and it creates a culture and sense of discipline i the family and child inculcates it

Being the future resource of the country every moment spent for improving his mental and physical development will pay rich dividends in coming years

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5 years ago


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2 years ago

If we talk about video games, then it is believed that games have a bad effect on the children’s mind. But it is not so. Vice versa. Playing games in children develops strategic thinking and imagination. Moreover, modern games cannot be distinguished from the real world.

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2 years ago

For me, videogames never create negative things in the minds of children, much worse things are seen on TV and families see it without any problem all together regardless of the age of their children. twisted is not going to be the fault of the videogames but of the events that happen to him throughout his life and also the decisions that he himself makes correct in the future

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2 years ago

videogames or movies can never have anything to do with the mentality of the child in the future when he becomes an adult, I believe that the only thing that will damage the mentality of that person will be life itself with the problems or traumas that remain with him. over time, but that is a separate issue, videogames are not to blame for anything, by the way last month I had created my videogame here https://kevurugames.com/ because yes, believe it or not today with little money you can create your own Totally professional and high quality video game and the truth is that I am extremely happy, it was worth every penny, I leave it here in case anyone comes up with or has the dream of creating their own video game, they have no idea how satisfied they feel

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2 years ago
Reply to  Rey InterNe666

I believe that children should be taught to create a game themselves, or at least try to do this useful thing. Programming can be learned if you do it every day for several months, and then not everyone can stand it. I think – if children start to come up with their own strategy for games, then an exciting future awaits them. I followed the link to the site here, I am glad that such companies have begun to appear, I am sure that they have no end to customers.

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2 years ago

For me, video games are something totally positive in the development of children, because if you look at it positively they are being taught to face challenges and problems looking for solutions and this in the future as adults will help them a lot, instead of being worried about the problem will be concentrated looking for the solution, I say this because I have always been a lover of games and I still am and today as an adult I can assure you that all the challenges I have faced playing games serve me as an adult to find solutions to problems that most do not. can solve


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