Efforts like the IndSpaceEx are important to determine the degree of the space security challenges India faces and to develop appropriate measures for effective deterrence. Analyse.(250 Words)

‘IndSpaceEx’, the exercise will basically involve all stakeholders from the military and scientific community taking part in it. The main aim of the exercise, to be held under the aegis of the Integrated Defence Staff of the Defence Ministry, is to assess the requisite space and and counter-space capabilities that are needed by India to protect its national security interests in the final frontier of warfare i.e. the outer space.

India’s changing approach to outer space, moving from a purely civilian and peaceful approach to one where certain military characteristics are evident, conditioned by changing security realities which are as follows-

1. Militaries around the world have been emphasising network centricity which in turn brings out the salience of space for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance” (C4ISR), and as they have become more networked, they
are also opening themselves up to more and more vulnerabilities.
2. Another reason the war game is also being undertaken to have a better appreciation of the capabilities that India must develop in order to protect its assets and secure its national interests.
3. India has been growing mindful of the growing number of threats in outer space, both natural and man-made ones.
4. New Delhi has worries about the counter-space capabilities in China’s inventory. China has been developing an array of A-Sat weapons, both kinetic in the shape of co-orbital killer satellites and direct ascent missiles as well as non-kinetic ones like lasers and electro-magnetic pulse weapons.
5. Not only can an adversary’s counter-space weapons take out India’s assets critical for its economic and social infrastructure, they can also “blind and deafen” the Indian armed forces. They could do so by destroying or jamming satellites vital for
surveillance, communication, and precision-targeting.
6. All the major spacefaring countries have conducted simulation exercises to understand space security crisis dynamics, major vulnerabilities and capability gaps during conflict. These could then feed into policy making. 

The Indian government’s proposed war gaming exercise appears to have a slightly narrower agenda in terms of understanding the vulnerabilities and the gaps in India’s space security and identifying areas for India to develop and strengthen in terms of technological capabilities in order to establish effective deterrence capabilities. China has been the single most important factor shaping India’s approach to space.

The rising spectre of threats means that more pragmatic and feasible measures should be attempted. Having demonstrated its ASAT capability, India is in an ideal place to demonstrate its global governance credentials. India must step up its efforts to develop global rules and norms about such challenges and threats.

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Reply to  sourav singh

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Reply to  sourav singh

Do not comment “Not Checked” on the same day of submission

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

sorry sir
I had mistaken

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

While its good that you used flow chart in the answer, but it is not solving any purpose because of the content’s vagueness.
For example you mentioned that we need the exercise because of Economic, internal, cyber and space security. But what are the elements of these security that this exercise try to address? Flow chart is good when the content in it is clear and concrete. Avoid vague and general points in your flowchart otherwise it will not serve its purpose.
Discussion on “Need” and “Benefits” of the exercise is on the similar lines and hence the second discussion is needed.
You mentioned “mitigation of space waste” in the benefits of the exercise while in the discussion on the challenges, you said “problem of space pollution and space waste”. Do not contradict your own points in the answers by issuing contrasting statements like this.
Read the model answer for more clarity on the points please.
Good conclusion

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

There are couple of areas where you can improve your answer.
First of all, good intro.
But in the main body you have over-explained the stuff. Rather then taking this much amount of space, simply write the heading and try to explain only in couple of statements. Remember, rather than providing 3 4 better explained points, its always better to provide 5 6 points with good heading and minimum amount of explanation.
The answer lacks balance because you haven’t mentioned the challenges or issues with the exercise.
On the ground of those issues, make your conclusion your way forward.
Read the model answers.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

In the intro, try to link the topic of the question.
“Zenith of space militarization”? Avoid such rhetoric in your answer.
Your answer is based on some other question but not the question asked here.
Its better if you would have discussed the salient features of the exercise and included the first part of your answer under the subheading: “What is the need of indspaceex:”
After this, you should have discussed the challenges and issues faced by the exercise in terms of space security and effective deterrence.
Read the model answer in this regard.

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5 years ago

Your line of discussion is near perfect but presentation and structure is needs lots of improvement.
Never discuss a 3 page answer in a single page. You tend to lose lots of marks because of this.
While the direction of your answer is decent, but you need to have more depth (more points) in your answer.
That is the main issue with the answer and it is a big issue.
Read the model answer for depth.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

After your 1st part, do mention the issue or challenges regarding the exercise.
Way forward and conclusions are two different things. Way forward are the kind of solutions or steps that need to be taken for the betterment or improvement of the issue.
So what you discussed under the heading of way forward was actually conclusion.
So after mentioning challenges, discuss different sets of way forwards and conclude the answer accordingly.
Good 1st part of the answer.
Points are explained in decent manner there.



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