Examine the challenges and opportunities in allowing the corporate houses in the banking sector. 10 marks

Mentor’s comment-

  • https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/say-no-to-corporate-houses-in-indian-banking/article33172192.ece
  • In the intro, mention that the idea of allowing corporate has been considered in the past as well. 
  • In the body, mention the advantages like capital and expertise and innovation that comes with the entry of corporate houses. In the next part mention the challenge like risk associated with their entry and regulatory issues. Mention how countries like U.S. does not allow it. 
  • You can conclude by either supporting the move with some suggestions or by not supporting their entry. 
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4 years ago

Hello, Myself Aman Jain, I am 19 years old, just started preparing for RBI Grade B.
This is my first ever essay, please do review- How I have written as a beginner?

I have read the essay of Samiksha Tiwari and I think that she had written good points and if I have to rate it, I would have given her 9/10.



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