Family play eventually important role in transcending value system in individual which gets displayed on the profession as well. Weak value transcends to weak social, political and administrative system, leading in turn to degeneration of the whole nation whereas, the strong value leads to flourishments and success. Comment. (150 W/ 10 M)

Mentor’s Comment:

The question itself shows the direction and hints to talk about points in answer. So not much needed to explain. However, please maintain good language with flow of content in answer.

Model Answer:

The individual is the first building block of the value architecture. The values that a person holds have been derived from family, friends, neighbours, teachers, mass media and so on.

The family value system inculcates the moral values of tolerance, non-violence, sympathy, compassion, harmony etc.

But the development of values and the sense of one’s duty towards the nation community and one’s self and thinking skills do not find any place in the curriculum at any stage of child’s development. As a consequence, there are explicit signs of erosion of values in practically every sphere of our life.

There is a circular relationship between individual and society in these respects in so far as individual behaviour determines the way society moves and social values drive men the way they behave, each reinforcing the other.

Hence, the erosion of values at individual level creates a vicious cycle of erosion of values in all sphere which ultimately destroys the whole nation.

However, on the other hand positive value system learnt from the family and experienced from the society, skills learnt in schools/colleges etc. makes the person competent to deal with any issues. This efficiency in dealing with all aspects gets transcends into persons work life be it politician, civil servant or individual business man.

For example: Good values impacted the life goal of various leaders and reformers which led to the transformation of society. In this regard we have many good examples like MK Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam, BR Ambedkar, Raja Ram Mohan Roy etc.

So, the values learnt during childhood from family and experienced from society gets transcends ultimately to the individuals personal and professional level.


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