If evil or bad actions are the result of ignorance according to the virtue ethics, then why educated people get indulge in White Collar Crimes?

A virtue is generally agreed to be a character trait, such as a habitual action or settled sentiment. Specifically, a virtue is a positive trait that makes its possessor a good human being. Thus, Virtue Ethics is an approach that emphasizes an individual’s character as the key element of ethical thinking, rather than rules about the acts themselves (Deontology) or their consequences (Consequentialism).
• According to Socrates, virtue is knowledge, because: (1) all living things aim for their perceived good; and therefore (2) if anyone does not know what is good, he cannot do what is good — because he will always aim for a mistaken target; but (3) if someone knows what is good, he will do what is good, because he will aim for what is good. But difficulty is that it is not so easy to know what is good.
• At this moment the importance of knowledge come up because ignorance is one of the most important reason for human foolishness.
• As rightly said by Plato, a good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers and good people do not need laws, to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. However virtue include experience and knowledge both.

If evil or bad actions are the result of ignorance according to the virtue ethics, then why educated people get indulge in White Collar Crimes?
• From the above discussion, it can be said that mix of factors lead educated people to commit white collar crimes.
One is certainly ignorance about what is good for them and society at large and how their actions for self and society are connected.
Second is animal instinct-driven motives makes them more selfish and acquisitive.
Thirdly, desire for materialistic success and more and more acquisition of wealth and power is another reason driving them to commit white collar crimes.

Thus, we see that white collar crimes arise because of lack of knowledge or ignorance, lack of respect for laws and duties and lack of awareness and concern for consequences. Overall it is due to the lack of virtue in the individual.

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