India should take a broader view of the changing scenario and growing competition in South Asia, and reach out to Dhaka with an open mind. In light of this, examine the issues adversely affecting the partnership between the two countries and suggest the pathway that India should follow to deal with these issues. 10 marks

Mentor’s comment-
  • In the intro, mention that India has termed Bangladesh as the major pillar in its neighbourhood first policy.
  • In the body, discuss the changing scenarios in geopolitics and the progress made by Bangladesh in the past few years. In the next part, discuss the various issues like Teesta water dispute, sensitive border, India’s Citizenship (Amendment) Act and the proposed NRC etc. In the suggestions mention successful resolution of Teesta water issue, allaying Bangladesh’s concerns over Citizenship Act, putting in place mechanism to avoid killings at the border etc.
  • Conclude by stressing the importance of reaching out to Bangladesh with an open mind for mutually beneficial relations.
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