Most youngsters in India seem to be motivated more by the perks and privileges associated with government jobs than the prospects of public service. What would you do to change the scenario? (150 W/ 10 M)

Mentor’s Comment:

  • Mention the reasons for youths’ attraction towards more perks and privileges rather than service. Bring example if any.
  • Further, mention the trends and way to influence youngsters. Like use of social media, perks as lucrative and should be avoided, honesty, accountability and responsibility in public service, mention role model (if any). Also the increased role of public sector in comparison to private sector, tougher selection process ensures only good persons to get selected, good persons’ company, more security of tenure and jobs etc…etc…
  • Next, mention the role government should play and steps accordingly.
  • Bring conclusion on balancing both the aspects and highlighting the demand of the question.


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Model Answer:

  • With the market’s uncertainty and volatility the youngsters are more hopeful towards government jobs as it ensures certainty with good perks and privileges. However, the recent trend of life has been more of materialistic rather than service oriented towards humanity. This all is due to competition and changed way of living.
  • With both global and domestic economy not booming, the public sector has become one of the most sought after career option. By offering an above average lifestyle, a secure tenure, a well defined promotion structure and various other perks like accommodation, car, domestic help, etc., it is competing with the high packages of the private sector.
  • This has led many to opt for the public sector thinking more for the perks, position of influence, status in society rather than the positive work they can do and the overall impact they can have.

Certain things that can be done to influence the youngsters:

  1. Social Media platforms being used by various ex-officers help in propagating the view that perks make the job lucrative. Such narratives should be avoided. Instead, there should be more focus on highlighting the the good work done by various officers.
  2. Officers who have let go of their perks should be highlighted.
  3. Narrative of how private sector has a small role to play in our country as compared to the public sector should be avoided.
  4. Ensuring that the process of selection weeds out people who don’t show commitment towards the service and have ulterior motives.
  5. Strengthening the orientation process of new joiners’.

Further, the government can consider the following:

  1. Rationalization of perks.
  2. Public – Private sector linkages can be augmented in order to establish equivalence.
  3. Regular cooling off periods where civil servants are required to work outside the government so they are more appreciative of what needs to be done.

Government jobs should be a medium to change the society and not a means to an entitled life. Only then will it lead to true progress of both the individual and the country.


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