Nagaland government’s move to compile a Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN) opens up new avenues for conflicts rather than possibilities. Discuss.(250 Words)

The Nagaland government has initiated a move to implement its own version of citizenship register, albeit only for indigenous communities of the state. The process will be conducted across Nagaland and will be done as part of the online system of Inner Line Permit (ILP), which is already in force in Nagaland.

Key features of Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN)-
The RIIN list will be based on “an extensive survey”. It will involve official records of indigenous residents from rural and urban wards and would be prepared under the supervision of the district administration.
 The aim is to prevent fake ‘indigenous inhabitants’ certificates. The RIIN will be the master list of all indigenous inhabitants of the state.
 The list will be prepared after an extensive survey of village-wise and ward-wise list of indigenous inhabitants, based on official records, under the supervision of district administration.
 The RIIN teams will visit each house and make a list of the indigenous inhabitants actually residing there.
 The entire exercise will be monitored by the Commissioner of Nagaland. In addition, the state government will designate nodal officers of the rank of a Secretary to the state government.
 Their role will be to monitor the implementation, and will have no say in the adjudication process.

Positives of the move:
Identification of indigenous people will be easier. Illegal Bangladeshi and Rohingya migrants can be stopped and burden on the socio-economic resources can be curbed.
Better targeting of beneficiaries for government services like PDS.
Helps in preservation of Naga culture tribes from encroachment.
It would help in better internal security of the already disturbed North-East India.
It could also led to decrease in tribal clashes, Greater Nagaland demand
It would promote harmony and development of region which is gateway to ASEAN

It opens up new avenues for conflicts rather than possibilities in following ways-
1. Naga peace talks –
 The negotiators engaged in the ongoing Naga peace talks could now articulate new and hardened positions.
 The talks on the contentious issue of integration of contiguous Naga-inhabited areas (of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh) could take pace now.
 NSCN(I-M) has opposed the compilation of RIIN, saying that all Nagas, wherever they are, were indigenous in their land by virtue of their common history. So it sees the RIIN process as being contradictory to the inherent rights of the Nagas.
2. Cut-off date –:
To be eligible to obtain a certificate of indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland, a person has to fulfill either of the below conditions:
 the person must be settled permanently in Nagaland prior to December 1, 1963
 his or her parents or legitimate guardians were paying house tax prior to the cut- off date (December 1, 1963)
 the applicant, or his/her parents or legitimate guardians, acquired property and a patta (land certificate) prior to this cut-off date
 The compilation of RIIN involves the complexities of deciding on the claims of the children of non-Naga fathers as well as non-Naga children adopted by Naga parents.
 In this regard, the Nagaland government may choose to go ahead with the above cut-off date.
 In such case, all Naga people who have migrated to the State after this day will have to be excluded.
 These include migrants from the neighbouring Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh and elsewhere in India.
 The public opinion is still divided on compiling RIIN without a consensus on the cut-off date.
3. ILP –
 There is a proposal to link RIIN with the ILP (Inner Line Permit) system.
 The complexity is that unless otherwise officially clarified, the RIIN proposal may require large numbers of non-indigenous inhabitants to obtain an ILP to carry out day-to-day activities, most of them are migrated ones from other States.
4. Certificates –
 There is the limitation of non-issuance of domicile certificates or permanent residence certificates to a large number of non-Naga, non-indigenous inhabitants.
 This could also make the RIIN task even more difficult for the Nagaland government.

In the complex demographies of North-Eastern States, it may prove to be difficult. In Nagaland, various local attempts have been made previously to determine non-locals, non-tribals and non-Nagas. RIIN should not become a vehicle to determine outsiders / insiders. It is expected to deepen the existing fault-lines. Emotive political issues cannot be allowed to drive the compiling of a registry of citizens. Given this, the Nagaland government should facilitate the right to appeal and a humane hearing for those who are left out.

RIIN should not become a vehicle to determine outsiders / insiders as various local attempts have been made previously to determine non-locals, non-tribals and non-Nagas. It is expected to deepen the existing fault-lines. Thus, Emotive political issues should not be allowed to drive the compiling of a registry of citizens.

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5 years ago

Hi Project Osiris
It is government of Nagaland which has proposed the move; not the central government. Dont write factually incorrect statements, specially in the intro.
Please avoid so much cuttings in the answers. It shows indecisiveness from your end and makes the presentation look bad. Think before framing the statements.
Answer’s flow is not structured. It has many start stops arguments and points.
Please avoid the arrow kind of presentation that you use. Its neither flowchart not diagram. It creates a weak impression of the points and most of the times its not clear.
In the 1st part, please discuss why Nagaland government needed this step and what are the basic features of their exercise.
Good last part

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

Hi Sourav
Decent points.
But you need to mention in the first part of the answer that what is the reason behind Nagaland government’s decision to take this exercise and also what will be the salient features of the exercise.
Rest of the answer is decent.
Good conclusion.

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Reply to  Faizan Ali

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Reply to  Faizan Ali

has the 7 day deadline passed? If not then please dont comment “not checked.”

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5 years ago
Reply to  Faizan Ali

Hi Faizal
Please do not upload such small image. Use camscanner app to click photos of any document.
The image is so small that we find it it difficult to read.
Do not write intro in bullet format. It should be a small unified paragraph. Secondly, do not use subheading of “intro. It is natural that the first part will be intro so dont follow this presentation and structure.
Discussion is OK but your presentation style needs improvement.
Leave some space after ending a discussion so that clear demarcation is present between two different sets of points.

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

Hi Mud Borne
Please avoid so much cuttings in the answers. It shows indecisiveness from your end and makes the presentation look bad. Think before framing the statements.
Your line of arguments are good but their presentation and language needs re work.
In the main body of the answer, you need to give more points regarding issues with the move.
Good conclusion

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

Quite a good discussion in the answer.
You have covered all the major elements of the issue and their explanation is quite decent.
The answer has required depth and width.
Language is fine too.
Overall, excellent attempt



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